Tag Archives: lifestyle

Good doesn’t have to be enjoyable

I said this to my massage therapist one day when she had her elbow pressed deep into my back, “Good doesn’t have to be enjoyable”. It was uncomfortable. In no way was it enjoyable. But it was so, so good! She was working out a knot in my upper back very slowly, with a whole lot of pressure. The feeling verged on pain, but it was really good. I knew that in the coming days I would feel a lot of relief thanks to my muscles being worked over in a slow, hard, methodical way.

I think it can be easy to forget that some things are good for you, even if they aren’t fun. Ask any athlete who is stuck just below the skill level required to do a challenging move. Ask a student who is stuck on a concept, but keeps working to figure it out. Ask someone new to a an enjoyable job but the work itself is challenging to do well. Ask a person in the gym working a muscle group to fatigue and their spotter pushing them to do 3 more assisted reps, when their body wants to quit… good doesn’t have to be enjoyable.

There are many things in life that are good to do, that involve some level of uncomfortableness or discomfort, yet are absolutely worth doing. Difficult conversations are another excellent example. Very often people avoid hard but necessary conversations and the lack of communication either allows discomfort and upset to continue or actually makes matters worse. It really isn’t enjoyable having hard but necessary conversation and yet it is so valuable to have these conversations rather than avoid them.

Enjoyment isn’t a necessary byproduct of doing something that is good for you. Immediate enjoyment might not even be desirable. Sometimes it is valuable to take pleasure and enjoyment out of the equation if you want to push yourself to do something that is good for you in the long run.

I think sports is a good place to learn this as a kid. Running faster helps you play better, but that means doing tiring drills. Repeating an action over and over again can be boring, but when you use that skill properly in a game you are rewarded.

Mottos like ‘Just do it’ and ‘No pain, no gain’ come to mind. Doing something well or that’s good for you doesn’t always have an immediate reward, and so it might not be fun to do, even if it’s good for you.

Listen up

I’m currently listening to two books and a long form podcast, and when I have down time I tend to be listening to one of these. Watering the garden, having a hot tub, doing the dishes, walking, riding my exercise bike, each of these are done with headphones on.

I rarely read anymore, I listen. Sometimes it’s hard to pay attention, but I actually found reading harder. First of all I’m a painfully slow reader. And secondly, the slow pace makes me more susceptible to being distracted. I would often read a book and then realize I wasn’t absorbing what I was reading. After catching myself being distracted, I could often look back 3-4 paragraphs, or even a couple pages, and not remember reading any of it. While I can be distracted listening, it’s usually only when the task I’m doing requires me to think a bit, like when I’m driving.

The first year that I started listening to books rather than reading them I went from reading 3 books in a year to listening to 26. This year I’ll likely surpass 30. Looking at my Audible stats, I listened to an average of over 3.5 hours a day in July.

Since downloading Audible, I’ve listened for over 2 months, (over 1,400 hours). There is no way that I would have read for a third of that long in the same amount of time!

And that’s just my books, not podcasts, which I listen to for a few hours each month. I don’t watch tv, other than an occasional series with my wife, and I don’t follow sports. I listen. Summer was all about fiction, now I’m getting back into books that I learn from. I find fiction too much of a distraction during the school year. When I listen to books I learn from, I get more value out of reading and out of work. But if I get a good novel recommendation, I occasionally switch up and treat it the same way someone else would treat a movie.

Audio books have transformed they way I consume books… I read them with my ears.

Living a younger life

“Aerobic exercise saves your life, strength training makes it worth living.” ~ Dr. Henry Lodge, ‘Younger Next Year’

A few days ago I wrote,

“It’s my goal that I can be like Gabor, one of the guys on the the Calgary team we trained with. Gabor is 74, healthy, and sharp. I can tell in the short time I met him that he is healthy in body, mind, and spirit. I want my current lifestyle to allow me to get in and play water polo with guys my current age [54] when I’m his age.”

I was intrigued by Gabor. I’ve met 74 year olds that can’t walk without a cane, and who seem weak and unstable, and others who are vibrant and healthy, but not one that can play a tough sport like water polo with people a lot younger than him. So I asked him what his secret was.

“Have you read ‘Younger Next Year‘?” Gabor asked me. “No? You should.”

I’m about 1/2 way through the audiobook. The premise is that anyone over 40 should exercise religiously, 6 days a week. 4 of those days should be dedicated to cardio, using a heart monitor to ensure you are pushing your heart rate above 70% (and sometimes more). The other 2 days should be dedicated to strength training. Do this and you can live vibrantly well into your 80’s.

Our last 1/3 of our life can be active and full of activities we love to do now, feeling young and vibrant. Or we can live a life of slowly feeling older, less agile, and sedentary. A commitment of working out 6 days a week might seem to be a lot, but it’s not and to put it into perspective: We spend 40+ hours a week working to give us the financial means to do what we want… why not put in 6 to 9 hours a week to ensure we can actually do what we want for the next 25-30 years?

It’s time well spent to ensure the time you have left is well lived.

Valuing Sleep

After a wonderful summer, I’m starting to get up early again as part of my routine. It’s not a huge adjustment because almost all summer I was out of bed before 7am and often woke up minutes before an alarm set for 6am. But, I’ve found trying to get up between 5 and 5:30am a bit tough the past few days.

I have never needed a lot of sleep. Back over a couple decades ago when I was a fairly new teacher, I used to routinely sleep for 4-5 hours a night for 3-5 nights a week. Then I might feel tired and need 6 or 7 hours a night for one night before starting another 3-5 night streak of only getting 4-5 hours. This worked for me. Once a colleague told me I was going to die 10 years younger because of my lack of sleep. That night at 1am I sent him an email that said something like this: ‘So, I did the Math… if you live to 80 and I live to 70, I will have been awake for more time than you.’

I have definitely started requiring more sleep and looking back, I do think there were times my sleep pattern wasn’t healthy. For me, now, I think 7 hours is my ideal but there are times I can’t get to bed at 10pm and so I make do with between 6 and 7 hours sleep. That seems to work for me, but sometimes on weekends I will try to get a bit more. What I won’t do is get much more than 8 hours on any night. If I sleep for much more than 8 hours in a night I get a headache and my back will ache as well.

I know that averaging a little less than 7 hours per night a week will seem like not enough sleep for many. I also know that sleep is an important part of being and staying healthy. So while getting very little sleep was like some sort of stupid badge of honour for me when I was younger, I now appreciate how important it is. I will start going to sleep earlier and trying to keep my average sleep time at 7 hours a night… and after getting to bed after midnight and having my alarm go off at 5:30… that will have to start tonight.

In preparation

How much time do we spend in preparation for something that is coming up? A simple example is a meal, and all the prep work that needs to be done before the meal is made. There is also tidy up time before guests arrive, reading to do before a meeting, personal grooming, and travel time. It occurred to me that we spend a lot of time preparing for events, and in some cases we spend more time in preparation than we do at the actual event we prepared for.

Two thoughts come to mind. First, we ought to find joy in preparation. Cooking is an excellent example of this, it’s not just the consuming of the final product but the joy of getting all the ingredients cut and cooked that we can savour. Can a fun event start for us as we shower and shave, and get ourselves ready? If we are going to spend so much of our lives in preparation for something upcoming, how can we find more joy in this time?

The second thought is about daily exercise. When we aren’t athletes training for, preparing for, an upcoming event, how do we perceive such activity? Exercise is really just preparation for a better tomorrow. It is the accumulation of a healthy lifestyle that pays dividends in the future. It is the preparation for a future life that is more active and vibrant than a sedentary life would promise.

We spend a lot of time in preparation for something else, this preparation time is an opportunity to find joy, to feel accomplishment, and not just a chore to get through on the way to something else. Cooking prep isn’t work, it’s putting love into the food you make for people you care about. Workouts are work, and if done right they are hard, but you can find joy in pushing yourself to new goals, and feel the endorphins a good workout can bring. Life is not about preparation for other things, life is found in the preparation.

24 years ago

On the 26th of August 1997 I proposed to my wife. Today we celebrate our 24th wedding anniversary. If I were to pick something as my best life decision my proposal to Ann would be it. I remember when we started dating, I was talking to my mom on the phone and told her, “I think I met the girl I’m going to mary, she just doesn’t know it yet.” And while I try to be the best husband I can be, my wife is giving and caring in a way I always aspire to be.

I am blessed, and I hope the next 24 years bring as much or more joy to me, to us, that we have had in the last quarter century. We live in an amazing country with fantastic opportunities for us and our kids. We have two amazing kids that are delightful to watch grow up, and who have grown into fantastic young women. We have great jobs that we love, and a beautiful home. And we have great friends that we both enjoy being around.

Today I don’t just celebrate my anniversary, I celebrate the wonderful lives my wife and I have built together.

Interval Training

The Humbling Lesson

Any regular reader of Daily Ink would know that I’ve been on a health kick since January 2019. After 2-and-a-half years I thought I was in good shape. Well, I just got home from my second morning of playing water polo at Sasamat lake and I realize that I need to reconsider my training regimen. It was humbling playing with players who were mostly between 6 and 20 years older than me and feeling so exhausted so quickly.

The Lesson

My philosophy of 20 minutes of cardio 5-7 times a week has been great. It has proved ‘enough’ insomuch as when I’ve gone on a long hike or bike ride or even a long jog, I’ve been able to keep going as if I trained much more. However water polo and similar games (like basketball) are a different beast. The sprints become anaerobic, the starts and stops are erratic, and the simple cardio I do did nothing to prepare me for a couple days of playing water polo. I was exhausted through the entirety of both practices and now I’m sore in places I forgot I had. 🤣

The Wisdom of Age

A decade ago I would have solved this by trying to add another few workouts in each week. I would have done that for a few weeks, got busy, then fallen off of the training. However, I think I can maintain my current workouts but put some interval training into them. I can go on the bike or treadmill for a few minutes of warmup then do 1 or 2 minute intervals of fast and slow paces, followed by a cooldown. Basically just change what I’m doing rather than how long I’m doing it. And… and this is the important thing, I don’t have to go all-out! I’m just diversifying my fitness level and capabilities.

Lifestyle Health

The focus of my fitness has not been to bulk up. I’m not training for an event. I’m trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle. The lesson I received over the last couple days is that I could adjust my workouts a bit and be more versatile in my overall fitness. I don’t have to go crazy and change things up a lot, I don’t have to put myself in jeopardy of injury by changing my workouts significantly, I can improve my ability to do things like join a Masters team and play water polo, or join a pickup game of basketball, with a much greater chance of doing so injury free.

It’s my goal that I can be like Gabor, one of the guys on the the Calgary team we trained with. Gabor is 74, healthy, and sharp. I can tell in the short time I met him that he is healthy in body, mind, and spirit. I want my current lifestyle to allow me to get in and play water polo with guys my current age when I’m his age. It starts with a commitment to work out regularly, and it seems that it should include a bit of interval training along the way!


Practicing the power play

Ross and I getting a few seconds rest during the scrimmage.

Morning stretch

I’ve never been someone who stretches as much as I should. With all the challenges I’ve had with my back, this has been less than ideal. Recently I’ve started going back to a physiotherapist because my lower back has been aching in a way that I know IMS, intramuscular stimulation, will help. The physiotherapist gave me a set of stretches to do for my hips and hamstrings, and I’ve done them religiously ever since.

The one thing that helped me do these is music. I have a playlist called Enya Stretch and it’s 10 minutes long. I listen to ‘My! My! Time Flies!’ twice, once for each leg, then ‘Only Time’. A former student asked if my stretches looked like this:

They look nothing like that, but I find it funny that the song from that commercial is the same ‘Only Time’ from Enya that I listen to when doing some of my stretches. That said, my splits look more like an equilateral triangle than a straight line.

Still, the point isn’t to become Jean-Claude Van Damme flexible, it’s to reduce the ache I feel when I stiffen up, and to reduce the future pain I know that’s in store for me unless I improve my flexibility.

Having a 10 minute playlist really helps. Without it, I’d either rush the stretches, or skip them. Knowing that this is only 10 minutes long makes me realize that I can find the time. The transitions in the songs become queues to let me know that I need to hold a stretch longer and push me to eke a bit more of a stretch out in the last few seconds. And the process feels more like meditation than stretching… which is great because I’ve never really enjoyed stretching.

I finally have a morning stretch routine that I’m sticking to, and I’m sure that future me will be very thankful for the time I’m putting in now to care for my back. Just 10 minutes a day, but hopefully years of flexibility and agility ahead.

Roughing it

Roughing it means something totally different as you get older. I used to camp on the ground, in a tent. Then we started bringing an inflatable bed. Now we are renting a trailer that will be dropped off at the campsite for us… this is the third time we are doing this, and it’s as rough as we might get for a while.

I’ve been camping, years ago, where we had to carry everything in and out, and pump water through a filter in streams and add a couple drops of iodine to purify it so we can drink it. Then with kids we used to bring a foldable kitchen sink with us to make meal prep easier in drive-in campsites. Now we don’t camp anywhere that doesn’t have taps nearby and washrooms with showers.

Maybe some day I’ll do a big trip where I really rough it again, but for now, roughing it includes a fair bit of luxury, and I’m happy to enjoy the comforts… I’m still going to a campground and not a hotel so in my books, I’m still roughing it.

Routine woes

It’s the last day of school for teachers, and although I will be in next week I’ve already started to alter my early morning schedule. No workout this morning and the latest I’ve written for this blog on a school day since I started writing daily in the summer of 2019.

This is a bit of a wake up call for me. My pattern for workouts and meditation start to fall apart in the summer when I break my work routine. I don’t want that to happen (again) this summer so I’m going to need to build in a regular routine that works. I used to think routines were boring, now I realize they help me get stuff done.

One routine I broke this year is archery. I haven’t shot arrows in a couple months. I haven’t been upset about it, I let it go because everything felt overwhelming and I decided writing, fitness, and meditation were more important. I hope to build archery back into my summer routine… I just need to figure out what that routine will look like.

I’ve got one more week to figure it out.