Tag Archives: Coronavirus

Money matters

I remember in Junior High school when I could buy a bag of potato chips for 25 cents. Then there was a jump in price, with a smaller bag being sold for 35 cents. That was a big jump and it took a while before paying more for less became the norm.

There are distinct times in my life when I recall these kinds of jumps. Like when it was crazy to see gas be over 50 cents a litre, then the price jumped above 70 cents and when it dipped back down it never went below 55 cents again. Give us gas at 71.9 cents a litre for 2 months and suddenly we are quite happy to see 55.9, like it’s a bargain price. Now I’m checking my tank to see how much gas I have when the price is under $1.65, because that’s too good of a price to pass up.

I get that prices need to go up, but what I don’t understand is how this is happening while simultaneously banks, oil companies, and grocery chains are recording record profits. It’s literally a case of gouging the consumer and blaming inflation.

Rants aside, I’m up at Whistler with my family, my mom is visiting and has never been up here. We are staying in a wonderful hotel, a surprise gift from a friend, and my kids can’t get over the way people spend their money. Here, room service for 2 would be a fancy meal for all 5 of us… and no we didn’t order any, we just looked at the menu.

A day of skiing for our family, with 2 parents and 2 adult kids would be $1,200, and if the kids were under 19, $1,100, and under 12 would be $900. Most families are here for 3-4 days of skiing. Many have flights to pay for, and hotels here are not cheap!

But for some people, spending $15,000 to $25,000 for a vacation is… normal. For others that’s a significant portion of their yearly salary and out of the question.

It’s funny, you always hear, ‘money can’t buy happiness,’ and while I agree with that, there is something affluence does buy, it buys a sense of freedom. Money matters because when you have a lot of it, you don’t have to think as much about your spending. You want something? Buy it. You need something done quickly? Pay someone to do it for you? However, when you don’t have the freedom to buy whatever you want, when the cost is prohibitive, money really matters.

Prices have jumped significantly since Covid. There are more people struggling to make ends meet. There are more people choosing not to go out for dinner because the cost is just too excessive for a family. There are people who used to ski at Whistler who have been priced out of that option. There are many more people who don’t make a purchase without thinking of the cost. They don’t have the freedom to spend without thinking of the consequences of a purchase.

That’s what affluence buys, it buys free buying power that doesn’t feel nearly as free for less affluent people. Monet matters less as you get more. I’m not sure what the sweet spot is, where the transition happens, and I’m not sure I ever will. I just know I’m at one of those price jump times where I’m going to need to adjust to the price jumps wherever I look… I’m just not sure I’ll be adjusting to these new price ‘lows’ any time soon. It’s a time where money matters for a lot of us.

The need for sleep

The last few months I’ve needed more sleep than usual. It’s not a surprise, between covid in November and an awful cough to start the year, I have mostly been in recovery mode for a few months now. I can usually get between 6 and 7 hours of sleep a night and consistently feel refreshed. That’s not enough right now and I’m letting myself sleep longer. This is a good thing… I know how important sleep is and I don’t think I get enough of it.

Back when I started my career I used to live on even less sleep. I’d go 3-4 days with 5 hours or less sleep, then catch up with 6-7 hours, and do it all over again. One very tired day when I was running on too little sleep my buddy Mark said to me, “Dave, you’re burning your candle on both ends, you are killing yourself… you’re going to die 10 years younger if you keep doing this to yourself.” The following night I sent him an email at about 1:30 in the morning, it read, “Yeah, I might die 10 years younger but I did the math and if you live to 80 and I only live to 70, I’ll have been awake longer than you.”

While the math was correct, and it’s kind of funny, there is a lot of research around the importance of sleep and I don’t tend to get as much as I should even now. I used to wear ‘I don’t need a lot of sleep’ like some sort of badge of honour. But sleep is essential, and I’m hoping that I can figure out a way to get more without feeling like I’m taking away from my day.

I don’t think I’ll ever be someone who sleeps 8-9 hours a night, and in fact I start to develop a headache when I’m in bed that long, but I hope to make 7-8 hours the norm with only an occasional 6-7 hour night. That would be dreamy. 😜

Turtle mode

I’m just turtling right now. I’ve had a bad cough for over a week, and I’m worn out. Last night I felt like things were getting worse, but this afternoon I feel like I’ve turned a positive corner. I had covid in November and now an ugly cough to start the new year… this hasn’t really been enjoyable.

Two years of wearing masks kept me healthy for a long time and being hit this hard twice in just a couple months had been challenging and exhausting. So, I’m curled up with a blanket, I’m drinking a lot of liquids, and I’m medicating myself with cold, cough, and sinus pills every few hours.

No plans, no agenda. Netflix, my audio book, and sleep. I’m turtling all weekend long.

Pattern interrupted

Spending a week isolated at home has completely messed up my schedule. Waking up with a headache to start the day sucks. It makes it hard to be and feel productive. This afternoon seems to be the positive turn I was looking for, but I’m not sure how fast I’ll be able to jump back into my regular routine. Writing, meditation, and workouts have usually been done before I’ve even been waking up this past week.

The one good thing to come of this is that I actually miss my routine. It’s not a big effort to do it. It’s something I want to do. And I’m looking forward to getting back to work on Monday too. I guess a pattern interruption every once in a while is good so that you can do a gut check and make sure that what you regularly do is something you actually want to do.

Taking the needed time

I took a sick day on Monday for my first cough in years, and it got worse later in the day. Yesterday (Tuesday) morning I retested myself and tested positive for covid. I avoided it for 2.5 years but here I am now in quarantine in our spare bedroom, only leaving to go to the bathroom. My cough is still bad, but this afternoon my sinuses feel clearer and the low grade but constant headache that developed Monday night has subsided with the aid of Advil. I know it’s not over but if that’s the worst of it, a typical sinus infection of yesteryear was more unpleasant (though didn’t sound as bad with this cough). Still, I have a good feeling that I’ll be in full form next week.

What was interesting these past few days was that the headache kept me from my computer and screens more than usual. I took naps and I listened to podcasts and a book to pass a bit of the boredom by, but it was very unusual for me to listen to my body and not just work from home all day. I did do a couple pressing things and answered some texts, but overall I really took sick days and didn’t just work from home while sick.

This was extremely unusual for me. It didn’t come without stress… I haven’t had this many unread emails in well over a year. I have things on my ‘to do’ list that kept creeping into my thoughts even when I tried to let them go. And, I felt guilty that I wasn’t working. That’s the crazy part, I’m home sick, and much of the day I’m thinking about work or feeling guilty for not doing work. I don’t think that’s what’s intended to be done on a sick day?

I’m glad I took the time I needed and I’m willing to bet that I wouldn’t feel as ‘good’ (well at least as ‘fair’) as I do now, had I not taken this time mostly off. And yet I already know that even though I am not going in to work tomorrow, I’m going to be spending at least a few hours catching up. I should probably take the full day off, but I won’t.

I’ll take this as a win for taking the time I needed the past three days. But after 55 years on this planet I still need to figure out that work/life balance thing a little better, so that I can take a guilt-free sick day… to be sick. I’ll probably retire before I really know how to do it right.

First cough in years

Well, I’m testing negative for covid but staying home today with a cold and pretty bad cough. If I have to say one thing about masking up for coronavirus it’s that the last 2-and-a-half years have been the healthiest years I’ve had with respect to getting colds/flu/sinus infections.

But masks are off now and I’m stuck at home coughing and sniffling and remembering what a grouch I am when I’m sick. I spent yesterday staying in our guest bedroom, coughing, watching Netflix, and sleeping. Today I’ll get some work done even though I’m home.

I remember being sick at home and my mom saying to me, “Ill give you money for a hotel, go be sick somewhere else.’ And no, she wasn’t being mean, she was making a point about what a pain in the rear end I am when I’m sick. But I’m trying to be more adult and less whiny now. Yesterday I just kept to myself, and loaded up on Tylenol Flu medicine and cough drops. Today I’ll do the same and hopefully feel a lot better tomorrow.

80 Crunches

In January of 2021 my buddy Dave Sands and I decided to do the Coquitlam Crunch, an uphill trek along the power lines on the north side of our city. It includes a segment with 450+ steps, and at the top we take a small circular detour that makes the walk feel more like a round trip than just up then down again. We started doing this at the height of the pandemic when we really weren’t socializing at all, and this was a great place to meet that was outdoors, or we would not have gotten together.

We enjoyed it so much that we made it a weekly event. Early on it was every Friday, rain, shine, and even snow. Later, we switched to Saturday mornings, and we treat ourselves to breakfast at Starbucks afterwards. Today we did our 80th walk together since we started.

That’s 400 kilometres we’ve travelled. But it’s not about the distance, it’s the time together that really matters. We naturally and unintentionally created a routine of ‘talking shop’ (talking about work) at the start of the walk, and usually ending that part of the conversation by the time we reach the top of the stairs, barely half way up. Then the rest of the walk is filled with conversations about life, the universe, everything, and anything.

When we started, this was like therapy. We had been bottled up with pandemic restrictions and just having someone outside our tiny family bubble to talk to was such a boost to our mental health. While it still serves that purpose, it’s also so much more. I’m looking forward to keeping this tradition going, and hitting milestones like 100 Crunches and 1,000 kilometres… and beyond.

What’s a tradition that you have with family or friends that you plan to keep for a very long time?

Rebuilding culture

Nostalgia can be a dangerous thing. It’s easy to look back and think about ‘the good old days’, and all the positive things of yesteryear. But trying to rebuild a culture of the past, trying to ‘go back to the way things used to be’ is all but inevitable to fail. You can’t rebuild a culture, you need to build a new and desired culture.

When schools went remote in March of 2019, Inquiry Hub was unintentionally ready for the transition. My teachers barely missed a beat. Students already had a fair bit of independent time, so teachers didn’t need to adapt their teaching to give students time to work independently. Every class was already in Microsoft Teams. And we even joined each other online and had virtual lunches together. I actually saw my staff at lunch more than I normally did. And more importantly, students almost all made positive transitions to working from home.

It was when we got back to face-to-face that things really changed. We used to have students mixing across grades and working collaboratively in hallways, and in any open space or classroom available. Then suddenly they were locked down in single rooms, at single desks, not facing each other in table groups. Two and a half years later, only our Grade 12’s knew what Inquiry Hub used to be, back in the first 2/3’s of their first year. Our Grades 9, 10, and 11 students never experienced our school pre-covid.

I started this year thinking that we need to rebuild the culture of the past, but I realize now that this won’t happen. We have more students who are more used to their classroom being their primary community. We’ve grown by almost 1/3, and classes are now more of a community in size. We aren’t what we used to be. We don’t have the shared history, and efforts to be what we used to be will detract from what we could be.

So how do you build culture? How do you design activities so that they foster the community you want to build… but not force something that isn’t organic and natural? I think you create opportunities for students to connect, but you don’t force it. You show what you value by showing appreciation for positive behaviour and attitudes. You invite people to participate, but don’t force them. You explicitly share your vision and give others a chance to build that vision with you.

You don’t rebuild culture, you build it anew. It won’t be the same, but if you explicitly and cooperatively share a common vision, and take action towards it, the culture you build can look a bit like what it used to be, but it won’t ever be what it was. Nostalgia will keep you from being what you could be while you focus on what was, but never could be again.

4th poke

When I look around at the people I know in my community, very few other than my wife and I have not had covid-19 yet. I don’t attribute it to anything more than luck. I know people that have been equally as cautious and more cautious than us that have had it. We both work in schools and have greater exposure than an office worker who spent most of the last couple years working from home. We’ve been lucky.

Yesterday I got the Moderna Omicron-Containing Bivalent Booster shot. It was an easy decision for me. The variant most prevalent right now is Omicron, and I’m happy to increase the odds that I don’t catch this virus. A number of people I know have felt the lingering effects of covid for several months, and having been someone who has previously dealt with 6+ months of chronic fatigue (a vitamin D deficiency about 4-5 years ago) I’d rather not deal with something like that again if it can be avoided.

This is why I decided to to get a 4th shot:

I work in a school and if I can avoid getting and/or spreading a virus, then that’s good for my whole community. I take the flu shot each year for the same reason. Does that stop me from getting the occasional flu? No. But it probably stops me from getting sick more often than I do. Viruses are tricky things and flu shots are not a perfect science. The purpose of a flu shot is to prevent some of the more likely flus that are going around, not all flus. I see this Omicron-Containing Bivalent Booster in the same way I do a flu shot… it’s a vaccine focusing on preventing contraction of the more likely variants. I’m not 100% preventing covid, I’m reducing the likelihood of contracting common variants that are currently circulating.

We might be in endemic rather than pandemic times, but there are still people catching covid variants in our community… and unless I had a non-symptomatic case, I’m still one of those people with no natural immunity. I like the idea of decreasing my odds of catching covid. Just like I decrease the odds of getting a flu with my yearly flu vaccine.

Unsustainable and increasing inequality

Here is page 7 of an OXFAM report, Inequity Kills:

What’s not necessarily well known is that the Forbes and Bloomberg ‘Top 10 Richest’ lists never includes some of the richest and wealthiest families which have accumulated wealth above and beyond anyone on these lists… there is a lot more extreme wealth than these lists suggest.

Add to this the first two sentences in the report’s summary:

“A new billionaire has been created every 26 hours since the pandemic began. 6 The world’s 10 richest men have doubled their fortunes, while over 160 million people are projected to have been pushed into poverty.”

This kind of lopsided wealth distribution simply can’t be sustained. And yet in the hardest times of the pandemic, when many low wage people couldn’t work, prices and inflation skyrocketed while corporations that produce oil, and sell groceries, reported their greatest profits in years. They also returned their largest dividends to stock holders… most of whom are already very rich and can afford to hold a significant amount of stocks. We’ve all heard the saying, ‘The rich get richer while the poor get poorer,’ and it seems that this is more true now than it ever has.

I stumbled onto this report after reading this article on NPR, “Move over, Jeff Bezos. India’s richest man is now wealthier than the Amazon founder“. The Billionaire club used to be almost exclusively a Saudi and USA thing, other than old family wealth, but now it’s a global phenomenon. Everywhere in the world there are small groups of people accumulating wealth in significant size, while there are populations in significant size that are dropping below the poverty line. This simply isn’t sustainable. That said, I don’t see anything upsetting this trend in the near future. Further, I’m at a loss to think of how this will change in the coming years?

At what point does a society with a few people owning more than half of the global wealth become unproductive for the wealthy? The abject poor can’t by the products the rich manufacture. The suffering middle class with less-than-ever disposable income, and more-than-ever accumulated debt soon won’t be able to help either. So what breaks? How does this self-correct?

I certainly don’t have any answers.