Tag Archives: travel

Pulse of a city

Today we took a tram ride that gave us a nice view of Barcelona. On a bus tour I heard that many areas of the city have maximum height restrictions for buildings that are under 20 metres, with a floor zero at the bottom and then 5 floors above that are for residential apartments. So, overall the city does not have many tall buildings. This was made very obvious by the way La Sagrada Famíliai, architect Guadi’s famous church, sticks out in the skyline.

We have a guided tour of the church planned for tomorrow, followed by a walking tapas tour in the evening. But we have already done a lot of walking around the city and have had a good ‘taste and feel’ of city life here.

It’s fascinating to see how the city is designed for pedestrians. Many roads are single lane and one-way with wide walkways, rather than two-way with little room for a walkway since buildings were originally built on foundations too close for both modern cars and roomy sidewalks.

Outdoor eating spaces are everywhere, and if there is a gap in the buildings, there is a courtyard with tables and/or benches.

The city is made for people to be outside, which makes sense when there are only apartments in tight spaces as opposed to single dwelling homes with back yards. Where the design falters a little is that many of these homes were original laid out with nice courtyards which made sense when they were on a single floor, but now with 5-level apartments these spaces seem to be devoured by multilevel private and semiprivate balconies and terraces. So the public outdoor spaces become even more important.

Barcelona has a pulse of people living outside their homes. Coffee and pastry shops are seen everywhere, and what looks like a back alley is also a place with storefronts and restaurants. The city is designed for people first and cars afterwards. Mopeds line the walkways, and there is a blend of bikes and scooters both electric and not, as well as skateboards making their way around pedestrians. Even as I was walking and editing this post, a car and moped came down what I thought was a sidewalk, but was actually a one-way road with a street light at the end of it. But both vehicles were going very slow and accommodating, the pedestrians walking past in both directions.

A city for people first, then cars.

Sleeping on a plane

I still marvel at the idea of large planes traveling with the weight of people and luggage, defying gravity, thanks to forward propulsion and Bernoulli’s Principle. It still seems like magic to me. But the cost of this miraculous feat is such that people are squeezed into planes like sardines. This is not conducive to seats that are comfortable for sleeping.

That’s not a big deal for short flights, but on long trips, and multiple trips with layovers, that extend over several time zones, the lack of sleep is less than desirable. For me, travelling east is harder than travelling west, and getting some good sleep on the trip would be desirable… but not achievable.

Every time I do a trip like this I think, there must be an app that helps you plan your trip such that you reduce jet lag. But, I don’t travel enough to actually make the effort, and besides, even if I did, I still wouldn’t be able to get the recommended sleep suggested.

I just had a 4.5 hours flight from Vancouver to Toronto that was delayed almost 2 hours. Then power walked to a gate that felt 2 kilometres away to arrive at the gate for our our next flight about 20 minutes before boarding. That was a 7+ hour flight from Toronto to Paris. Now we’ve just finished a 4 hour layover and have a 2 hour flight to Barcelona. I’m tired. I didn’t sleep enough, but I’m afraid to even try sleeping now for fear of getting up in the middle of the night ready to start the day.

My strategy for not being able to sleep on a plane is to fight sleep until regular bedtime in my new time zone. It doesn’t make for a very comfortable travel day, but hopefully I won’t be falling asleep on my first full day in my new destination. Wish me luck.

Airports and airplanes

Today we travel from Vancouver to Toronto to Paris to Barcelona. Including an early arrival to the airport, on one of the busiest travel days of the holiday, we will be traveling for 26 hours. Add another 9 hours on the clock to that for time zones and this makes for a looong day!

But we finally get to see our daughter, who turned 23 a couple days ago, for the first time since she moved to France. And our youngest daughter is with us, and this is our first family vacation in a few years.

We are going to spend a lot of time in airports and on airplanes… but I’m finally getting excited about the trip. And I’ve got a few episodes of a show downloaded on my iPad as well as 2 audio books on my phone. I have snacks, headphones, and AirPods, and a battery power bank to keep my devices charged. I’d like to just click my heels and arrive at my destination, but if I’m going to spend a whole day traveling, I might as well keep myself entertained.

Barcelona… here I come!

Language barrier

When we lived in China we lived in ‘a small city of 6 million’, Dalian, on a peninsula on the east coast. It was not unusual for my family to hear no English spoken by anyone except us from the time we left our Canadian curriculum foreign national school on Friday until we went back to school on Monday. We couldn’t go to a restaurant unless the menu had pictures. And if you were in a store and didn’t see what you were looking for, a game of charades ensued with hand gestures and singular Chinese words coming from us rather than sentences.

Google Translate was fairly new and most Asian languages were not well translated, especially Chinese. I remember going to a grocery store to buy baking soda for my wife. I put the 2 words into Google Translate and got two Chinese characters. But on the shelf were 6 or 7 different items with some having the first character and some having something very similar to the second character, and none having both.

I asked for help and the employee couldn’t help me. She asked a coworker, and she couldn’t help me either. I was stuck. I finally bought a plastic back with a white powder that looked like baking soda and on my way home I realized that the cost of this item was less than 50 cents Canadian, and had I bought all 5 of the most likely items, it would have cost me under $3. That would have saved me 30 minutes and a lot of frustration.

Now things have changed significantly. Language translation is so much easier. People can have full-on conversations with Google or an app translating voice to text and/or voice almost instantaneously. These tools will even correct themselves when the context of the sentence is recognized. For instance, I think ‘baking’ and ‘soda’ were two words that were translated for me independently, and so the words were loosely translated to ‘cooking in the oven’ and ‘bubbly drink’. Now translators know that these words next to each other mean something different than when the words are used in a different context.

All this to say that the days of language being a major barrier to basic communication are over. I can think of a lot of frustrating conversations and miscommunications I had in my 2 years of living in China that would not have happened if we went now rather than over a decade ago. I think of the conversations I wanted to have but couldn’t. I think of the questions I had that were just left unanswered.

Sure there were a few magical moments where we overcame the language barrier and made special connections, but these moments pale in comparison to what we could have said and done with the tools available today. While I hold some nostalgia about the way things were for us back then, I think I’d still prefer it if we had the language conversion tools of today back then.

Travel plans

I find it odd how much time we spend planning to go away. We have a cat that needs attending to, and fortunately we have a nephew who will be staying at our place while away. There are flights and places to stay to arrange. There is the packing, and the planning of things to do.

Holiday getaways are wonderful things, and I feel fortunate to be able to enjoy the great trip to Spain we have planned, but I don’t get excited by the planning and prep work the way I see others get. I don’t know how to ‘do’ anticipatory excitement. But I love arriving at a new destination. I love waking up in the morning in a foreign place knowing that the sights and sounds of the day will be different and new. I enjoy the flavours of new foods.

Now it’s time to start packing so that I’m not in a scramble the night before we leave… and hopefully a little excitement will creep into the tasks I need to do.

If I could turn back time

My oldest daughter leaves for France this morning. She’s going to teach English for 8 months in two very small neighbouring towns on the west coast of Bordeaux. I’m so excited for her, especially since she was supposed to spend a semester abroad in her third year of university and that was cancelled due to the pandemic. She is finally getting the trip she was hoping for 2 years after planning to go. It will be a wonderful adventure for her.

When I did my first university degree, it was in International Development and I told myself, “I’m not going to consider this degree complete until I travel to a developing nation and experience what I’m studying.” That didn’t happen. I ended up spending two years working as a lifeguard, and coaching and playing water polo 6 or 7 days a week, then I moved from Toronto to Vancouver. I didn’t end up doing any major travel until about 18 years after graduation, when I went to live in China.

I live a pretty content life with very little I regret, but if I could turn back time and do one thing differently, I would have travelled more when I was younger. If I could give advice to a younger me, that’s the big thing I’d share… (well, that and buy Apple stocks😀).

I see some high school students excited to head to university and they know exactly what they want to do. To them I think, ‘go for it, good for you!’ But I also see kids that just don’t know what they want to do. For them I think, ‘take a year off!’ Still apply for university if you want, then differ for a year. In both cases, travel and see a bit of the world before settling down in a job.

I didn’t become a teacher until I was 30. I have told both of my kids, “If you finish your degree, travel for 2 years, work for a year, do a whole other degree, and then do a year’s work at something you really wanted to try before finally starting a career… you’d still be ahead of my timeline.” When I’m done my career, I will still have had close to 30 years as an educator. I tell my kids there is time for a career after you try doing a few things you really want to do. And who knows, maybe the adventures you go on lead to a career you truly love.

I’m lucky to have a family and a career that bring me joy, and I know that if I had travelled more, I might never have met my wife and had my two wonderful kids. So I still actually don’t regret the choices I’ve made. But looking back at my younger self, I’d say ‘travel more’ would be the advice I’d give if I could whisper to myself half a lifetime ago.

No matter where you go…

More than half a life ago I had a girlfriend that was a fair bit older than me. She was very well travelled, including a solo trip to Africa in the early 80’s. While I haven’t seen her in almost 30 years, I still remember one of her favourite sayings, “No matter where you go, there you are.”

That saying is said by a lot of people, but I finally understood it when she said it. There is no escaping yourself. If you are kind in life, you’ll be kind in a sunny destination spot. If you’re a jerk, you’ll be a jerk at a touristy landmark. If you feel lost, you won’t find yourself on the peak of a mountain. You take whomever you are, wherever you go.

So whether you seek adventure, excitement, relaxation, or rest, it’s your own expectations and hopes that will determine what kind of trip you have. Disappointment because the room wasn’t quite what you expected, or although the room wasn’t what you expected the view was spectacular and made up for it? The food was more expensive than expected, or the food was pricey but you would have paid double for that red snapper last night? Are you looking for disappointment or are you looking for opportunities to see, hear, and feel positive experiences in a foreign land?

No matter where you go, there you are. Sometimes it takes travel experiences to truly understand what that means. As the world opens up, I hope people find exactly what they are looking for when they travel… just make sure you are looking for the right things.

Holiday on Mars… not in my lifetime

It’s fun to think of space tourism, now that the first civilian visit to the space station has happened. I’d love to spend a few days in space someday. Knowing my vertigo issues on spinning rides, I’d probably spend most of the trip with motion sickness and it will be far less fun than I imagine… but I want to try! I want to experience weightlessness for a few days, and to be an astronaut.

But that’s just for a few days. There are some serious issues that astronauts face when going to space for long periods of time.

Astronauts on space missions suffer from balance problems, visual disturbances, ‎damage to the heart muscle and bone loss.” – The Dangers of Zero Gravity

These get more and more serious the longer you spend in space. Especially effects to our vision.

“…if we want to think about colonisation or extended stays on Mars, we’re going to have to consider blindness as a potential complication.

Right now, there are no solutions for how to treat or prevent fluid build-up in space, and with the brain damage that’s also expected to come from long-term spaceflight.” – Space Could Leave You Blind, And Scientists Say They’ve Finally Figured Out Why

Basically, a several year journey to Mars will be extremely detrimental to the health of anyone who makes the journey.

The next steps in getting there?

1. We need to find out if we need to replicate a full 1G environment or if long term travel at a less gravitational force will be required to rid ourselves of these health issues for long term space travel.

2. We need massive rotating space stations that are designed to provide us with some gravitational force.

3. We need to build these and experiment with them as we just start thinking about colonizing the moon.

4. We need a working moon colonization before even thinking about colonizing Mars.

This will take decades and decades.

I will be 100 if I can make it to 2067… it doesn’t matter how close they are to moon visits by then, and how advanced longevity Science is, I’ll be in no shape to make the moon journey, much less a several year trip to Mars.

It’s fun to think about space holidays like we see in the movies, and who knows, maybe in 100 years that will be possible. But without some significant scientific leaps in technology, space tourism in my lifetime will only go as far as the international space station or maybe a very short moon landing… I’ll just need to save up a few million dollars for the trip before I get too old. Because in my lifetime a trip beyond the space station (which might be affordable in my foreseeable future) will still only be the holiday destination of millionaires and billionaires. My feet will never touch the moon, much less Mars.

That said, if I had the chance to go to the Moon, I’d go!

Mars on the other hand? Not a chance of this happening. This will likely be an adventure opportunity for my grandkids or maybe great-grandkids. By then there might be a technology that allows faster space travel. Maybe they will take a picnic lunch on a trip to Saturn’s rings. It’s fun to imagine space travel that simply isn’t possible today.

The Jetsons, created in 1962 was supposed to depict our world a hundred years in the future. I don’t think we’ll be living and traveling like them in 2062. Technology does not advance as fast as our imaginations.

Jet lag

It took me my entire stay in Ontario to get used to the time zone. Now I’m back in BC and I can’t keep my eyes open after dinner.

I don’t know if it’s travelling itself or the change in time zones but I’m definitely not 20 years old anymore and need to respect the needs of my body after travel.

Sweet dreams.

Red eye flight

It’s 7:14am in Toronto and our red eye flight from Vancouver just landed. I’m visiting my parents and I’ve still got a long day ahead. First one of my sisters is going to pick us up, she arrived last night and is renting a van to get us to my parents. Then we drive onto downtown Toronto to pick up another sister before driving 2.5 hours north to my parents.

After about 45 minutes sleep the whole night, I’m not really looking forward to more travel right now, but I’m with family and that’s the whole point of the trip. In about an hour and a half I’ll be in a van with one of my daughters, one of my nieces, and two of my sisters. The trip up north will go by quickly… and there might be a nap for part of it.

It’s wonderful to connect with my family. In no time at all I’ll feel rejuvenated, even if I didn’t sleep much on the overnight flight.