Author Archives: David Truss

New Podcast: Joseph Truss – “The Tetraverse… It’s all about resolution!”

After a 4 year hiatus, I’ve just published another podcast. Unfortunately, my link isn’t updating to my podcast hosting app or to Apple iTunes right now, and so the best place to listen is on my podcasting blog.


Join me on a trip in to Haliburton, Ontario, where Joseph Truss and I discuss the building blocks of the universe. This conversation assumes the conjecture that “We Live in a Tetraverse,” (the first video in a series called, “Book of Codes”). Watch this video first, to appreciate the premise of our conversation.

A conjecture is defined as: “an opinion or conclusion formed on the basis of incomplete information.” Joe is challenging the way Mathematicians and Physicists look at the universe today. Most perspectives put us in a three dimensional world based on three axis: X, Y, and Z. Joe says these are “necessary but not sufficient“, and that while we can do calculations based on this model of the universe, it will always require us to work with irrational numbers and rounding errors… but it’s all a question of resolution. Go deeper than the perspective of X,Y, Z and you encounter a universe built on triangles, or more specifically tetrahedrons. In a way, his premise is that working in a cube-based, X, Y, Z, universe is conjecture… it is working ‘on the basis of incomplete information.’

If we recognize that the smallest possible object in the universe (at the Planck length) is a tetrahedron and not a cube, (again see We Live in a Tetraverse to gain this insight), this doesn’t dismiss any calculations done in a cube universe, it simply allows greater resolution… and maybe eliminates the need to work with irrational numbers and rounding of decimals.

A simple metaphor for this would be moving from the imperial system of measurement to the metric system… measuring in millimetres instead of 16th’s of an inch.

Admittedly, this is a bit of a challenging conversation to follow, first because we start talking about waves as seen drawn in 2 dimensions on paper, and so the conversation is lacking some visual descriptions we discuss. Secondly because we have discussed these ideas at length previously, we are quite comfortable describing shapes and making connections that are not so easy to visualize when you haven’t had the same background conversations we’ve had. And yet, I felt the need to share this conversation, to bring to light some of the brilliant insights of Joseph Truss. One specific topic we discuss, that I haven’t seen anywhere else, is the idea that infinity is a fractal. The infinity conversation begins at 21:08 of the podcast and if you only listen to one segment, that’s the one to listen to. If you want to follow the full conversation, I’d suggest watching the video first.


Joe and I had walked down to a slow-moving river that adjoins his back yard. Joe, a musician as well as geometer, brought a drum with him and after playing a bit we started this conversation. I realized that this was worth recording and so I went back to to the house to get my phone. The podcast starts and ends with Joe playing the drums, and there is a drum interlude in the middle as well. So, pull up a seat next to us and enjoy this riverside conversation.

Show Notes: [Listen Now: Joseph Truss on Podcasting Pair-a-Dimes – Slower loading here than on my podcasting blog.]


Please subscribe to Podcasting Pair-a-Dimes with iTunesAndroidEmail, or get the  RSS feed. And if you like what you hear, please rate and comment on iTunes or leave a comment below.


Opening Music: Solar Flares by Silent Partner
Drums by Joseph Truss

Podcast revival

It has been almost 4 years since my last podcast, and I’ve got a new one in the works now. I just need to record a small intro, already written, and do a tiny bit of editing, but everything takes more time than expected. I really love having learning conversations and recording them. I wish I had more dedicated time to podcasts, but I don’t think they will come regularly any time soon. That said, I also hope that I don’t wait another 4 years before I do a follow up.

My podcast is called ‘Podcasting Pair-a-Dimes‘ and I came up with that name based on my previous blog, named Pair-a-Dimes for Your Thoughts. While I think I’ll keep the podcast name, I might change the byline, which is “~ David Truss and his PLN ~”. PLN stands for Personal Learning Network, but it could also be Professional as well. PLN is a term that now feels dated and so I think I’ll come up with a new byline, but not for this next podcast.

As a teaser to the podcast, watch ‘We Live in a Tetraverse‘, which I shared back in February. This video is a precursor to the podcast conversation. Unlike many of my other podcasts, this one expects some prior understanding to be appreciated. I know that’s not ideal, but there are parts of this conversation that are so unique, and so insightful, that I feel that I need to share them.

…Coming soon to a podcast (and a Daily-Ink) near you!


The Reality of the Job

I just did a meditation that led to a short nap, and now I’m reflecting on my day ‘off’.

There are some jobs that you never have to take home with you. A Starbucks barista doesn’t have to think about their job when they aren’t working. Even when I was a Starbucks manager, there were many days when my shift was over and I didn’t think much about work until I returned for my next shift… although there were times I ended up working much more than an 8 hour day. However, I didn’t enjoy being a Starbucks manager nearly as much as being a teacher or principal of a school… but those are two very different jobs than the ones at Starbucks. The reality of being in education is that you take the job home with you.

I’ve been sick and away from work most of this week. And for a lot of it, I was truly off. A low-grade but persistent headache, flu symptoms and unpleasant coughing kept me from work, both physically and mentally. But it’s hiring time for next year and a couple positions I posted closed last night. And so today I spent most of the day coughing my way through interviews, catching up  on emails, and making some phone calls. I worked a 6+ hour day, despite it being a sick day. That’s the nature of work sometimes. I’m not complaining. I really rested yesterday and feel a lot better (though I sound a lot worse) today. It would have been nice to take today fully off too, but the reality is that some jobs just aren’t like that… and I chose a job that’s just not like that.

It’s pretty awesome being in a job with so many caring and thoughtful people that are dedicated to their jobs. It inspires me and makes days like this, days where I’m off, but not really off, to appreciate the dedication of others who do the same, don’t complain, and do a fantastic job. Whenever I hear someone complain about teachers having it easy, and having summers off, or any talk like that, it usually comes from one of two places: Either it’s from someone who doesn’t take their work home with them, or it’s from someone who does, but also benefits financially from doing so (working towards commission, a bonus, or getting paid overtime). Meanwhile teachers and principals work many extra unpaid hours and even when not well, despite having hundreds of sick days accumulated… And they put time in on weekends marking, and stay after school to prepare lessons, coach, and run events well into the evenings.

It’s the reality of the job, and it’s done for the love of serving others… Even when we aren’t at 100%.

The good news is that my headache has subsided, and I’m on the mend. I’m going to spend my weekend catching up on some shows I’ve neglected and getting a bit more sleep. I need to give myself the time I need to fully recover, to ensure that I stay healthy for the crazy month ahead.


The habits project

I have a project that I’ve been working on for quite a while now. I’ve been telling myself that I want to finish it, but I haven’t put enough time in (yet). It involves making 10 short (2-3 minute) videos based on James Clear’s Atomic Habits for students in a school where they get a lot of self-directed time. I’ve actually spent a fair bit of time white-boarding and developing the idea.

I have spent a few more hours going through James Clear’s 30 Days to Better Habits lessons, and I’ve worked on creating a script for the 10 lessons I have in mind. I’ve done a lot of work, but now comes the execution. Now I’ve got to actually record and edit/produce the videos.

I’ve used so many strategies I’ve learned in this book to create regular routines around health and wellness, and also to be more productive at work, but for a project like this, I have really not used the strategies. I have blocked off time and worked on it in large chunks, but I haven’t made any routines or habits to get this done… and I probably won’t. Instead, I’m going to block a bunch of time to do the recording all at once, and what I get will just need to be ‘good enough’, and then I’ll block some more time and try to do a marathon of editing.

The big question is, will this be shown to students this year or to start next school year? I won’t know until I start recording and then see how long it takes to edit one of these. But this has been a project in the making for almost 2 years now and I feel like if I don’t share my plan, I won’t get it done for another year. Wish me luck.

Anywhere in the world

If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you go?

If it were just up to me, and I got to choose (because I’m not sure my wife would agree), then these are the places I’d consider:

Barcelona: I don’t speak Spanish, and languages are not easy for me, but I loved the ‘livability’ of this city. It’s made for pedestrians, not cars, and I loved how the outdoor spaces were extensions of the indoor spaces. I was there in the winter and believe that if I went to visit in the summer I’d never want to leave.

The Caribbean: My Bajan roots run deep, and I’d love to live on an island. That said, I wonder if it would be too ‘small town’ for me? I haven’t spend much time there in the latter part of my life, and while there is a romanticized sense of appeal, I’m not convinced I’d want to live in the Caribbean as much as I’d like to visit more frequently.

Costa Rica: A favourite family holiday destination. Maybe that’s the appeal. Like the Caribbean, I don’t know if this is more of a holiday destination or a retirement destination, but everything about my trip there tells me that I want to spend more time there in the future.

Thailand: The people are so nice, and the country is beautiful. I enjoyed the Philippines as well, but the Philippines felt more like a holiday destination. Having lived in China, I don’t know if I’d go back there to live, although there are many more destinations in China to visit, yet Thailand has a feel more like ‘home’.

Australia: I’ve never been, but everything I hear about this wonderful country tells me that I could grow roots there.

Places I still want to explore: These aren’t places I necessarily want to live because I don’t know what I don’t know about them, but I really want to visit Italy, Portugal, Croatia and other Balkan countries, and Taiwan. There are also so many more places in the world that I want to visit: Countries in South America and Africa, India, Iceland, and many European countries are all on my wish list, but these again are holiday destinations for me until I actually visit them and can make a more informed decision.

I don’t know if any of these appeal to my wife, and the reality is that unless one or both of our daughters leave BC, Canada, it’s likely this will remain my wife and I’s home location. Still it’s nice to dream about possible places to live, and right now these are the places that have the most appeal to me… maybe I’ll revisit this in a few years, and if not a final destination, perhaps these can be long-term visit locations for my wife and I during retirement.

Where would you want to live? And why?

Content Free Learning (in a world of AI)

Yesterday, when I took a look at how it’s easier to make school work Google proof than it is to make school work AI proof, I said:

How do we bolster creativity and productivity with AND without the use of Artificial Intelligence?

This got me thinking about using AI effectively, and that led me to thinking about ‘content free’ learning. Before I go further, I’d like to define that term. By ‘content free’ I do NOT mean that there is no content. Rather, what I mean is learning regardless of content. That is to say, it doesn’t matter if it’s Math, English, Social Studies, Science, or any other subject, the learning is the same (or at least similar). So keeping with the Artificial Intelligence theme, here are some questions we can ask to promote creativity and productivity in any AI infused classroom or lesson:

“What questions should we ask ourselves before we ask AI?”
“What’s a better question to ask the AI?”
“How would you improve on this response?”
“What would your prompt be to create an image for this story?”
“How could we get to a more desired response faster?”
“What biases do you notice?”
“Who is our audience, and how do we let the AI know this?”
“How do we make these results more engaging for the audience?”
“If you had to argue against this AI, what are 3 points you or your partner would start with?”

In a Math class, solving a word problem, you could ask AI, “What are the ‘knowns and unknowns’ in the question?”

In a Social Studies class, looking at a historical event, you could ask AI, “What else was happening in the world during this event?” Or you could have it create narratives from different perspectives, before having a debate from the different perspectives.

In each of these cases, there can be discussion about the AI responses which are what students are developing and thinking about… and learning about. The subject matter can be vastly different but the students are asked to think metacognitively about the questions and tasks you give AI, or to do the same with the results an AI produces.

A great example of this is the Foundations of Inquiry courses we offer at Inquiry Hub. Student do projects on any topics of interest, and they are assessed on their learning regardless of the content.  See the chart of Curricular Competencies and Content in the course description. As described in the Goals and Rationale:

At its heart inquiry is a process of metacognition. The purpose of this course is to bring this metacognition to the forefront AS the learning and have students demonstrate their ability to identify the various forms of inquiry – across domains and disciplines and the stages of inquiry as they move through them, experience failure and stuckness at each level. Foundations of Inquiry 10 recognizes that competence in an area of study requires factual knowledge organized around conceptual frameworks to facilitate knowledge retrieval and application. Classroom activities are designed to develop understanding through in-depth study both within and outside the required curriculum.

This delves into the idea of learning and failure, which I’ve spoke a lot about before.In each of the examples above, we are asking students challenging questions. We are asking them to critically think about what we are asking AI; to think about how we can improve on AI responses; or, to think about how to use AI responses as a launching point to new questions and directions. The use of AI isn’t to ‘get to’ the answer but rather to get to a challenging place to stump students and force them to think critically about the questions and responses they get from AI.

And sometimes the activity will be too easy, other times too hard, but even those become learning opportunities… content free learning opportunities.

If I had the time

Here’s a great comic by @MrLovenstein:

On the same topic, I printed this and stuck it to my home gym wall by my exercise bike, after I read it in James Clear’s weekly email last March:

Author Julia Cameron on how to find time to write (or do anything, really):

“The “if I had time” lie is a convenient way to ignore the fact that novels require being written and that writing happens a sentence at a time. Sentences can happen in a moment. Enough stolen moments, enough stolen sentences, and a novel is born — without the luxury of time.”

Source: The Right to Write

Sometimes I’m brilliant at making the time for things. I’m up every day between 5 and 5:30am, I write these posts (if I didn’t the night before), I meditate, I do a workout, all before I get in the shower to start my work day. Recently I was challenged to do 2,000 pushups in February. I started on the 3rd, and as of yesterday I’d done 80 pushups for 10 straight days. I might take today off before doing another  800 in the next 10 days. Then a last break before 5 straight days and hitting 2K on the 29th. That’s the plan. If I forget and miss a day, guess what… I’ll make it up and still make sure I hit the target.

For other things I’m notoriously bad at finding the time. Tidying up my closet is a great example of that. I seem to know how to mess it up, but I never seem to have time to organize it. Some days I get home and my back is sore, but I’ll sit uncomfortably on the couch and think about getting in the hot tub until it’s too late and I just skip it. My blog drafts usually have a whole bunch of idea starters for when I get stuck, but now it’s filled with longer writes that I’ve started and don’t seem to have the time to follow up with. Drafts used to be drafts, now they are just good ideas that have died from a lack of taking the time to expand on them.

If only I had the time… would I use it? Would you? How convenient and comfortable is this lie? The reality is that if it’s important enough, there’s probably time for it, time we can find, time we can make, rather than making up excuses.

We Live in a Tetraverse

Whenever you see a movie like the Matrix, data sets, information, and all storage are shown in cubes.

Even beyond the movies, it is clear that we represent the world on three axis: X, Y, and Z.

In the words of Joe Truss, these 3 axis are ‘necessary but not sufficient‘ to really understand the world we live in. We Live in a Tetraverse:

This is the first video in a series called ‘Book of Codes’, which over time you will help you discover for yourself the power you inherently have as a natural geometer. Join Joe and Dave Truss as they discuss the building blocks of a tetraverse… where the foundations of life, and everything in our universe is built around the unique geometric shapes that are comprised in the geometry of stacked and interlocking triangles.

The Book of Codes will awaken the natural geometer within you.


Some people spend their weekends watching sports… while the Super Bowl was on, I was putting the finishing touches on this video. That’s not a slag on anyone who enjoys watching sports, it’s just not my thing. What I do enjoy is nerding out and thinking about how I can use geometry to make sense of challenging ideas in mathematics and physics that are actually way beyond my capabilities to calculate and understand without the geometry. Thanks to Joe, I have almost weekly meetings on Sunday mornings to learn from him and to think deeply about the hidden geometry behind our universe and all life within it.

We record most of our meetings. This is hopefully the first of many we will share. While there are more videos to come, don’t expect them too soon… I only really get a chance to work on them on the weekends and editing video takes a lot of time. Still, I hope you enjoy this video, and as always, feedback is appreciated.

almost free

The internet needs a makeover. I remember when I wanted to make a fun certificate or a personalized card, I could just do a Google search and find a free resource. Now when you do it, the top 10+ sites found in the search all require you to register, login, sign up, or sign in with Google or Facebook. Don’t worry, your first 30 days are free, or you’ll need to put your email in to get promotional spam sent to your inbox.

I get it. It costs money to run a website. I know, I pay to keep DavidTruss running and thanks to some affiliate links I’ve made about $35-$40 over the past 15 years. Add another $15 if you include royalties from my ebook, which I give away free everywhere except on Amazon where I couldn’t lower the price. This is my sarcastic way of saying that I don’t make any money off of my blogging and I actually have to pay to keep it running. That’s fine for me, I don’t do this for an income, but most websites need a flow of cash coming in to keep them going.

But no matter how you look at it, things on the internet have gotten a lot less free over the past decade. My blog’s Facebook page doesn’t make it onto most people’s stream because I don’t pay to boost the posts. Twitter, since it became X, has been all about seeing paid-for blue check profiles and my stream feels like it caters to ‘most popular or outlandish tweets’ rather than people I actually enjoy following. Even news sites are riddled with flashy advertising and gimmicky headlines to keep your eyes on those ads.

There needs to be a way to keep things ‘almost free’ on the internet, while not inundating us with attention seeking ads, or making us register and give away our email address to be spammed by promotional messages we don’t want. I think it will come. I think there will be an opportunity to choose between ads or micropayments. Read the kind of news you want or listen to a podcast for a penny. Like what you read/hear? Give a dime, or quarter, or even a dollar if you really like it.  There are already people donating this way on Live events on YouTube and Twitch and other similar sites, it just needs to get to the point where it’s happening on any web page. I’d rather pay a tiny bit than be inundated with ads. It’s coming, but not before it gets worse… we now have ads coming to Netflix and Prime. They want us to pay MORE to avoid them. The model is still about exploitation rather than building a fan base. Subscriptions will dominate for a while and so will models that upsell you to reduce the clutter… but eventually, eventually we will see the return of the ‘almost free’.

Same memories different stories

An interesting fact about the stories we tell over and over again is that with each telling we change the memory. Some stories change very little, either because we have told it so often we remember the recent telling of it as if it was just yesterday. Others may change little because the memory induces such strong emotions that we feel like we are re-living the experience as we tell it. But other stories change quite a bit.

You might ask a friend or family member the question, “Do you remember the time when…?” They do, and when they share their version, that version partially becomes your version as well. “Was it me or you that noticed it first?” A simple question, and then your friend responds and their answer becomes yours… whether or not their memory was correct.

I’m always fascinated to hear a shared story told by two different people, each filling in gaps for the other, each taking turns correcting the other. What does one person consider important that the other doesn’t? What subtle contradictions are there? What is a core memory for both?

One memory, two slightly different stories… two truths, and no lies, even when the stories don’t match. That’s the interesting thing about our memories, they tell us the truth we remember, they tell us ‘our’ truth. And the reality is that the very next time we tell the same story, that truth might just change a little bit.