I’d rather be a sheep than a lemming

Dear anti-masker,

Go ahead and call me sheeple. You might think of me as easily influenced or docile. You might think I’m willing to give up my rights to follow the crowd. Sheep find comfort in community, and the herd helps others to be safe, not just themselves… kinda like masks do.

At least I’m not lemming, running off a dangerous cliff because others are doing the same. I’m not willing to endanger others with my choice of behaviour.

Now in reality lemmings aren’t really suicidal, and people thinking about their community doesn’t make them sheeple. In fact, most communal animals are very community minded and they do their part to keep their community safe.

It pains me to see something like this happening in Toronto. This isn’t community minded, it isn’t considerate of others. It’s metaphorical lemmings, except they aren’t just jumping off the edge, they are pulling the weakest and most vulnerable along with them.

8 thoughts on “I’d rather be a sheep than a lemming

  1. Pingback: By the numbers | Daily-Ink by David Truss

  2. Pingback: Humanity – versus – Reality | Daily-Ink by David Truss

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  4. Dee Banks

    I really don’t understand the anti-mask thing. It’s such a simple and easy request to fulfill to protect both people and the economy. I’m happily a sheep and have been since March!

    1. David Truss Post author

      I don’t understand it either? How did consideration to your community get mixed up in n some ridiculous notion of loss of rights and freedoms? It is a false dichotomy and it’s just wrong.

  5. Pingback: How hard is it to be considerate? | Daily-Ink by David Truss

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