Tag Archives: productivity

The urge to quit

The value of writing every day is simple… I actually write every day. Skip today, well then skipping tomorrow is that much easier. Skip a couple days and suddenly a week is easy to miss… and then soon enough I’m not writing regularly. And then the love of writing and the act of writing get a divorce. Soon enough phrases like, ‘I used to write regularly’ become part of future conversations.

So I keep writing. But it isn’t easy. Even if I’m the only one reading this, I’m still a critic. ‘Am I being thoughtful or am I whining?’… ‘Poor Dave, writing is hard, isn’t it?’ Quite frankly, sometimes it is.

Sometimes life can be boring. Sometimes the things I want to write about can’t be shared publicly. Sometimes the creative juices just don’t flow. And sometimes I have to fight the urge to quit. I question how else I can push myself to write every day? I question if I should put this blog on hold until I retire?

The urge to stop is winning right now, but I know I have to fight it.

“Resistance cannot be seen, touched, heard, or smelled. But it can be felt. We experience it as an energy field radiating from a work-in-potential. It’s a repelling force. It’s negative. Its aim is to shove us away, distract us, prevent us from doing our work.”

~Steven Pressfield, Do the Work

I’m resisting the resistance. I’m doing the work.

Avoidance is easy

I’m back in the loop of struggling to write. It makes me truly appreciate the challenges of authors who do this for a living. Sometimes the words flow and it’s like a poetic dance between thought and expression. Words, and even full ideas almost magically appear on the page, leaving me uncertain of where they came from.

Other times I stare at the blank page, or worse, I avoid the blank page. I seek distraction and call it inspiration. I am looking in all the wrong places. I am literally uninspired.

When I feel like this avoidance is easy. The ‘simple’ work of developing an idea into a piece of writing is not simple, it’s hard. Really hard. Avoiding the effort of thought when the thoughts are not coming becomes a losing game. Maybe I’ll look here for ideas, there for motivation, or over here for… yet another distraction even though I don’t want to call it that. And that’s game over. Time not so well wasted.

Avoiding the blank page is easy, but it’s not productive. How many things do we do that are the equivalent of this avoidance? For some it’s avoidance of a hard conversation, for others it’s a big task, for yet others it’s the minutiae that needs to get done but feels monotonous. Some people find solace that different ‘stuff’ gets done when they procrastinate, but does that really result in a positive experience?

How much time do we spend in a state of busyness rather than dealing with business? Avoiding the real task by doing other things, or worse yet doing something that’s merely a distraction. Some things get automated, habits get ritualized, and the work just gets done. But sometimes the struggle is real. The action avoidance becomes the easy task and the work doesn’t become the work, but actually just getting down to work. Because once you start the work gets done.

Atomic Habits Lesson 10 – Moving From 2 Minutes to Mastery

“You do no rise to the level of your goals, you fall to the level of your systems.”

Goals require motivation, systems keep your habits on track… pushing you towards your goals, while relying on less motivation.

Atomic Habits Lesson 10 – Moving From 2 Minutes to Mastery

Well that concludes my 10 Lessons based on James Clear’s Atomic Habits. I highly encourage you to read the book. There are details I had to edit, like the importance of being 1% better, that James demonstrates clearly and entertainingly in the book.

I’m so glad to finally finish this for our students. I started talking about it a couple school years ago when I listened to Atomic Habits for the second time, taking notes on my whiteboard… Planning these 10 lessons along the way.

Then last year I spent about a 10 hour day laying out the updated whiteboard and recording myself sharing the 10 lessons. And I’ve spent much of my spare time over the past 2 and a half weeks doing video editing.

Our students in our school have more free time than most high schools get. And, from Grade 9 to Grade 12, we really see a progression in our students abilities to get (good) work done quickly and effectively. We see them heading to university and we know they won’t be dropping out because they couldn’t manage the workload.

I hope that my 10 lessons will help at least one of them take a smoother and more effective journey down that path.

Atomic Habits Lesson 9 – Find Your Tribe

A Shared identity is your identity, and your tribe can work together to build good habits.

Atomic Habits Lesson 9 – Find Your Tribe


“You are the average of the 5 people you associate with most.” Quote via Tim Ferriss.

Atomic Habits Lesson 8 – Habit Tracking

After a story that compares gamblers to calendars, the question is posed: “How will you track the progress of your habits?”

Atomic Habits Lesson 8 – Habit Tracking

And remember, the calendar doesn’t lie.

Atomic Habits Lesson 7 – Rewards and Mistakes

Lesson 7, ‘Rewards and Mistakes’, examines two ideas. First, what are  positive versus negative rewards? And then, what do you do when you make a mistake?

Atomic Habits Lesson 7 – Rewards and Mistakes

Most people fall out of good habits after a mistake because they don’t have a plan…

If ‘oops’, then what?


Atomic Habits Lesson 6 – Make it Rewarding

We are about to pass the half-way point of these 10 lessons. I hope that you are finding them useful.

Lesson 6 examines how identity habits are much easier than motivation. If I believe that I am someone who regularly or always does something, that’s a lot easier than motivating myself, and trying to convince myself, that I should do that same thing.

Atomic Habits Lesson 6 – Make it Rewarding



Atomic Habits Lesson 5 – Make Habits Automatic

Lesson 5 is about reducing friction and habit stacking. How do you decrease or eliminate things that make your habits hard to get started, and how do you stack your habits so that they become an automatic process once you get started?

Atomic Habits Lesson 5 – Make Habits Automatic

This is the first ‘Storytime’ in the series, where I share a personal story. I share my fitness routine to exemplify how I use this lesson to my full advantage. My morning routine is automatic, and so I only have to initiate one habit and then the entire habit stack just gets done.

Atomic Habits Lesson 4 – Place Based Routines

Lesson 4 looks at designing and priming the location where you do your habits, so that the environment works for you.

Atomic Habits Lesson 4 – Place Based Routines

Reduce friction and distractions, do your 2 minute planning, and then get to it!

Atomic Habits Lesson 3 – Make It Obvious

Lesson 3 asks three questions:

  • What you will do?
  • When? And,
  • Where?

Developing good habits starts with obvious intentions. This works well as part of the 2 Minute Planning suggested in Lesson 2. 

Atomic Habits Lesson 3 – Make It Obvious

Lesson 4 will be shared on Monday, I’ll be taking the weekends off from these 10 lessons because they are being introduced to Inquiry Hub students on 10 consecutive school days.