Tag Archives: Inquiry Hub

Atomic Habits Lesson 7 – Rewards and Mistakes

Lesson 7, ‘Rewards and Mistakes’, examines two ideas. First, what are  positive versus negative rewards? And then, what do you do when you make a mistake?

Atomic Habits Lesson 7 – Rewards and Mistakes

Most people fall out of good habits after a mistake because they don’t have a plan…

If ‘oops’, then what?


Atomic Habits Lesson 6 – Make it Rewarding

We are about to pass the half-way point of these 10 lessons. I hope that you are finding them useful.

Lesson 6 examines how identity habits are much easier than motivation. If I believe that I am someone who regularly or always does something, that’s a lot easier than motivating myself, and trying to convince myself, that I should do that same thing.

Atomic Habits Lesson 6 – Make it Rewarding



Atomic Habits Lesson 5 – Make Habits Automatic

Lesson 5 is about reducing friction and habit stacking. How do you decrease or eliminate things that make your habits hard to get started, and how do you stack your habits so that they become an automatic process once you get started?

Atomic Habits Lesson 5 – Make Habits Automatic

This is the first ‘Storytime’ in the series, where I share a personal story. I share my fitness routine to exemplify how I use this lesson to my full advantage. My morning routine is automatic, and so I only have to initiate one habit and then the entire habit stack just gets done.

Atomic Habits Lesson 4 – Place Based Routines

Lesson 4 looks at designing and priming the location where you do your habits, so that the environment works for you.

Atomic Habits Lesson 4 – Place Based Routines

Reduce friction and distractions, do your 2 minute planning, and then get to it!

Atomic Habits Lesson 3 – Make It Obvious

Lesson 3 asks three questions:

  • What you will do?
  • When? And,
  • Where?

Developing good habits starts with obvious intentions. This works well as part of the 2 Minute Planning suggested in Lesson 2. 

Atomic Habits Lesson 3 – Make It Obvious

Lesson 4 will be shared on Monday, I’ll be taking the weekends off from these 10 lessons because they are being introduced to Inquiry Hub students on 10 consecutive school days.

Atomic Habits Lesson 2 – Two Minute Planning

Creating Lesson 1 was a comedy of errors.

Version 1: I have Descript which adds captions, but I didn’t use it for my upload, despite knowing that I have a hearing impaired student at my school. That wouldn’t do.

Version 2: I added the captions, re-uploaded to YouTube, and only then noticed that the captions spelled James Clear’s last name as Clare. That wouldn’t do.

Version 3: I uploaded the 3rd version and noticed my cover title said ‘Identity based Goals’. The whole video is about Habits, not Goals. That wouldn’t do.

Version 4: Is live and good enough!

I’m going to focus more on just getting these done now, rather than changing minor imperfections. That said, I’m open to feedback.

Atomic Habits Lesson 2 – The Two Minute Rule.

This goes more specifically into Two Minute Planning. I’m not sure if this follows the true intention of James Clear’s two minute rule, but I think it works well for students to ritualize a good habit.


Atomic Habits Lesson 1 of 10

I’ve had this ‘in the works‘ for a very long time. Here is lesson one of ten:

Lesson 1, ‘Identity Based Habits‘, is the first of 10 Lessons based on James Clear’s book ‘Atomic Habits’. It was created by Principal David Truss for Inquiry Hub Secondary Students.

I will share all 10 lessons here over the coming weeks. Atomic Habits is one of the best books I’ve ever read, and I wanted to share what I’ve learned with students at our school. These students get a lot more unstructured time than most high school students, and developing good habits about using that time well is something that can drastically improve a student’s effectiveness and output.

I hope to help guide our students to better productivity.

Now and the Future – iHub Grad Address 2024

I can’t describe the joy of participating in grad at Inquiry Hub. These students are amazing. Our student focused show, with performances and videos that highlight the whole school are such a community building and community honouring event. The night warmed my heart, and I teared up more than once.

Here is my grad address. I really don’t have more to say, other than it was an evening that recharged my battery. It reminded me of why I love my job.


Now and the Future – iHub Grad Address 2024

Greetings Honoured Guests, Parents, Family Members, Teachers, and Students including our very special Grads of 2024.

In your yearbooks, I wrote this as part of my message to you:

Asking questions is key to learning and I think at Inquiry Hub we do a pretty good job of getting students to ask good questions… and then answer them. There is a lot of conversations, dialogue, and debate that happen inside our school walls, and from that students learn not just about things, but they also learn the skills to discuss and negotiate and support their ideas in meaningful ways… and sometimes even to change their minds. A growth mindset is so much better to navigate life with, compared to a fixed mindset.

In a civil society, dialogue is the one problem-solving strategy that should be sacred. To do this, free speech is essential. But right now, outside the walls of our schools, there is a culture of ‘attack the opposition’ that is very scary. We need to be resilient when hearing opposing views, and understand that, we must be tolerant and accepting of opposing views, unaccepting of hateful and hurtful acts, and smart enough to understand the difference. When we can’t have conversations with people that have different views, we don’t grow as a culture or as a society.

That was a message for right now. There is so much conflict and strife in the world, and it can sometimes feel a little bleak.

But here’s the thing, I’m really excited about the future our grads have before them. It’s a future that is beyond my ability to predict, but I’m going to try anyway.

Our grads understand how to see the world from multiple perspectives.

You understand the challenges but you are also solution oriented. And you are going to have tools and strategies that no other generation has had. 

Here are four predictions:

  1. You will have better AI than we can imagine. What we think is amazing now will look like child’s play in the future. I didn’t have Google growing up, I had paper encyclopedias. In a few short years the Artificial Intelligence available will look to us now like what an iPhone would be to someone living in the 1920’s. (Oh, and by the way, I did not use AI to wrote this.)
  2. You will not live in a world that has an energy crisis, or one that harvests natural resources to create energy. Energy will be almost free if not completely free.
  3. You will live longer. Longevity research is reaching a point where more and more healthy years will be added to your life faster than you age.
  4. You will retire sooner. More of your life will be filled by doing want you want to do, rather than what you need to do to work and make an income.

All this to say that while it seems like us old folks have left you a pretty messed up world, we are less than a decade away from some key turning points where you have more freedom and choice, more access to cheap energy, and more free time than we could ever have imagined as recently as when you were in Grade 9.

It’s an exciting time to think about what the future holds, and when I think about you all as creators, artists, thinkers, dreamers, and leaders, I’m excited about your generation building the future I get to grow old in. 

Inquiry Hub isn’t perfect, but it is a very special school. It is a place where our students feel they belong. A place where you get to be courageous learners and leaders, and a place that I hope you carry fond memories from. 

To the class of 2024, I can’t wait to see what the future holds for you… and for what you will do to help shape that future. Be brave, be strong, and help build a community where everyone feels they have a place, and a way to contribute. 

Thank you.

Passion Project Presentations

I’ve had the privilege of watching a few final presentations for our IDS courses – Independent Directed Studies – at Inquiry Hub. Our students choose a topic and put 100-120 hours of work into research, design, and creation of their own courses. The topics vary considerably from making a movie to learning to suture stitches, to designing a facial recognition doorbell, to creating a tabletop role playing game based on the student’s heritage.

I love seeing the diversity of the presentations, and the passion and enthusiasm students have sharing their work. I’m so impressed by both their presentation skills and so their slides. These students could teach a thing or two about how to create a slideshow to many professional presenters I’ve seen.

That’s because they get a lot of practice designing presentations and presenting. They have to do so in groups and on their own many times a year… more than in any typical school. And they get feedback, lots and lots of feedback, from peers as well as teachers.

For these final presentations parents are also invited, and even if parents can’t make it, students still have an audience beyond just the teacher. Students can invite anyone they want to watch, and we’ve even had two of our secretaries invited because they have similar interests in the topics, one on hairdressing and another on embroidery. The community aspect of these with parents, mentors, and community members joining in is absolutely wonderful. Our assistant superintendent also joined for a couple presentations.

It’s pretty special watching these final presentations. I think that every student should get a chance to delve into an area of interest that they choose. Learning shouldn’t just be about transmitting knowledge but about knowledge construction, and what better way to do this than to have students design their own learning experience?

Content Free Learning (in a world of AI)

Yesterday, when I took a look at how it’s easier to make school work Google proof than it is to make school work AI proof, I said:

How do we bolster creativity and productivity with AND without the use of Artificial Intelligence?

This got me thinking about using AI effectively, and that led me to thinking about ‘content free’ learning. Before I go further, I’d like to define that term. By ‘content free’ I do NOT mean that there is no content. Rather, what I mean is learning regardless of content. That is to say, it doesn’t matter if it’s Math, English, Social Studies, Science, or any other subject, the learning is the same (or at least similar). So keeping with the Artificial Intelligence theme, here are some questions we can ask to promote creativity and productivity in any AI infused classroom or lesson:

“What questions should we ask ourselves before we ask AI?”
“What’s a better question to ask the AI?”
“How would you improve on this response?”
“What would your prompt be to create an image for this story?”
“How could we get to a more desired response faster?”
“What biases do you notice?”
“Who is our audience, and how do we let the AI know this?”
“How do we make these results more engaging for the audience?”
“If you had to argue against this AI, what are 3 points you or your partner would start with?”

In a Math class, solving a word problem, you could ask AI, “What are the ‘knowns and unknowns’ in the question?”

In a Social Studies class, looking at a historical event, you could ask AI, “What else was happening in the world during this event?” Or you could have it create narratives from different perspectives, before having a debate from the different perspectives.

In each of these cases, there can be discussion about the AI responses which are what students are developing and thinking about… and learning about. The subject matter can be vastly different but the students are asked to think metacognitively about the questions and tasks you give AI, or to do the same with the results an AI produces.

A great example of this is the Foundations of Inquiry courses we offer at Inquiry Hub. Student do projects on any topics of interest, and they are assessed on their learning regardless of the content.  See the chart of Curricular Competencies and Content in the course description. As described in the Goals and Rationale:

At its heart inquiry is a process of metacognition. The purpose of this course is to bring this metacognition to the forefront AS the learning and have students demonstrate their ability to identify the various forms of inquiry – across domains and disciplines and the stages of inquiry as they move through them, experience failure and stuckness at each level. Foundations of Inquiry 10 recognizes that competence in an area of study requires factual knowledge organized around conceptual frameworks to facilitate knowledge retrieval and application. Classroom activities are designed to develop understanding through in-depth study both within and outside the required curriculum.

This delves into the idea of learning and failure, which I’ve spoke a lot about before.In each of the examples above, we are asking students challenging questions. We are asking them to critically think about what we are asking AI; to think about how we can improve on AI responses; or, to think about how to use AI responses as a launching point to new questions and directions. The use of AI isn’t to ‘get to’ the answer but rather to get to a challenging place to stump students and force them to think critically about the questions and responses they get from AI.

And sometimes the activity will be too easy, other times too hard, but even those become learning opportunities… content free learning opportunities.