Tag Archives: fasting

Healthy living goals, past and future

I shared my health living goals and results, and some helpful tips last year. And I think they are worth sharing again:

My healthy living goals year-end reflection, with 5 key tips.

Here is my calendar chart for 2020:

The one stat worth noting: Workouts

Last year: 63% (57% would have been an average of 4-days a week. I only did less than 4 days a week 3 times during the year.)

This year: 78.7% (288/366days or an average of 5.5 days a week. I only did less the 4 days twice and one of those was the week after I broke my patella.)

I barely missed mediation or a day of reading/writing. A difference of note to last year, I listened to 33 books in 2020. That’s up from 26 last year and included a lot more fiction than in previous years.

I was also consistent with intermittent fasting until I stopped doing this in October. I was dropping weight that I didn’t want to lose at that point. While at some point I might return to this form of time restricted eating, I think I’ve ingrained the habit of not snacking after dinner, but my early morning workouts leave me too hungry to do this when my last meal is usually done by 6:30pm. I’m over 25lbs lighter than I was 3 years ago and actually want to add some muscle mass this year.

Overall, I have to say that this has been a healthy year. Besides my accident, breaking my knee, I had a shoulder injury that was slow to recover, and my (chronic) back issues flared up only once for about a week. Besides that, I’d easily say that I’m the fittest I’ve been in 25+ years.

So where to now? Here’s my plan with my calendar and stickers for 2021:

Red: Exercise (continued) I know the visual of gaps in workouts pushes me. I will try to match this year’s average.

Blue: Meditation (continued +) I plan to continue to give myself a sticker for doing a guided meditation in the morning. But I also plan to give myself a second sticker if I can do a minimum of 10 minutes of unguided meditation sometime later in the day. I think for me to progress in my meditation I have to dedicate more time to staying focussed on my breath and commit to putting more hours into this.

Yellow: Writing. I don’t need to track reading anymore. I read (listen) during cardio and squeeze in more reading whenever I am doing menial tasks or driving alone. But I want to continue to advance my writing. So, one sticker for my Daily Ink blog post, and a second sticker when I do any writing beyond that. Let’s see if my sticker chart can inspire me to do more than just a daily post. At least to start, much of what I write beyond these posts may not be immediately public – so tracking with a 2nd sticker will keep me honest about how much of this I actually do).

Green: Archery. Goodbye intermittent fasting, hello hobby! After a year-and-a-half hiatus, I started shooting again and I’m loving it. It helps that I have a (socially distanced) friend coaching me a bit, and I’m seeing great results. To me this is a form of meditation. It’s also something that I started then watched get pushed asides due to being busy and not prioritizing. If I can get 100 days of shooting in next year, that would be amazing!

So while there are many reasons to throw 2020 the middle finger, I think that my healthy living sticker chart is not one of them. I know that without keeping myself honest with this system, 2020 could have been an abysmal year for my physical and mental well-being… but this charting and commitment to myself was a shining light in what was otherwise a very dark year. I hope to see equal success in 2021!

Fasting test

For a while now, I’ve been practicing time restricted eating, and it has really helped me control the amount of junk food I eat. It has also really helped me control my mood. I used to get ‘hangry‘… angry/upset when I’m hungry. It was so obvious, my secretary would tell me that I need to eat… she’d know if I missed lunch. Time restrictions forced me to find balance that I lacked, and this helped me level my mood.

I have not been doing time restricted eating over the summer and my eating has been out of whack! This has left me feeling low energy and lazy. I’ve been dealing with an upset stomach for quite a while. It had to stop. So yesterday afternoon I decided to try a longer fast, and I only had lemon and chilli powder water last night and today, other than small servings of maple syrup in my drink for dinner and lunch. Fasting with this drink wasn’t hard, and I’m breaking the fast tomorrow morning… but today my mood definitely went to hangry. My wife let me know that she really noticed it came back.

Now I need to cut out the junk and get myself back on track. I think after tomorrow I’ll stop eating breakfast. Or rather, I will break my fast later in the day. That’s what works to balance me during the school year, I’m sure that I can continue to enjoy my summer, and have delicious food, just start later in the day.

I won’t make long fasts like this a regular thing, but it has been a great kickstart to get me back into a healthy routine.

Breakfast is the most important…

Growing up I always heard, “Breakfast is the most important meal of the day!” …And with that I would force myself to eat, even when I wasn’t hungry.

I’ve come to realize that this statement is true, however how I, and many others, interpret(ed) it is all wrong.

Breakfast literally means to break your fast – to end the fast you are on from a night’s sleep. The meal decision of what to eat for breakfast is important, but when we do this is also important. There is no need to wake up and shove food down your throat to break your fast. This can wait, especially if you aren’t hungry.

However, when you do finally eat, the meal should be healthy. Over the school year I was trying to do 14 hour fasts, Sunday to Thursday nights (not happening in the summer, but I’ll get back to it). I would have dinner and not eat again until later in the morning. So, if I finished dinner at 7pm, I wouldn’t eat again until 9.

I love this pattern, it feels good, and besides unhealthy late night snacks, and forcing myself to eat earlier that I normally felt like eating, I’m not missing anything. I also tend to exercise early in the morning and I think it is really healthy to do this after the night’s fast.

So, if you aren’t someone that enjoys your early morning breakfast, just delay it. But when you break your fast, try to feed your body with something healthy.