Monthly Archives: July 2019

Embrace the suck

I’ve been meditating for at least 10 minutes every day for just over 6 months… and I suck at it.

There are days where I can’t concentrate on my breath for more than 3 breaths without my mind wondering off to a myriad of topics from the mundane to the ridiculous. This is when, in the past, I’d just give up. Before this attempt, I’ve never lasted more than a week without getting frustrated and quitting meditation.

Then in a number of podcasts (and audio books) I listen to I kept hearing things like: meditation isn’t about emptying your mind, it’s about bring yourself back when you realize your thoughts have drifted; And, meditation isn’t about a destination, but rather about the journey.

I tried to change my self-talk, but when I’m 9 minutes into a guided meditation and the guide says, “For the last minute I want you to…”, and I feel like I’ve been scattered for the full 9 minutes, the feeling of ‘I suck’ comes back whether I want it to or not.

So, rather than fight it, I decided to embrace it. Six months in, I still suck at meditation, but I’m less and less upset with my distractions. I’m more tolerant with myself when I recognize I’ve drifted into distracted thinking.

I couldn’t convince myself that I was getting better until I accepted and embraced the suck.

**UPDATE: August 12, 2019 – found this image and thought it was worth sharing:

Innovation Lag Time

When you’re innovating, it takes a considerable amount of time before the benefits of that innovation can be seen. What that means is that after the excitement of creating plans, and the thrill of collaborating towards a wonderful vision… You won’t arrive at the benefits of your labour right away. That lag time is not easy. It can be disheartening, discouraging, and even leave you doubting if you’re on the right path.

At some point you’re going to be stuck in an innovation time lag. When that happens, it’s the work ahead of time to create a vision, and to help get everybody on board, that will help to see you through to the rewards.

Vision before perspiration gets you past stagnation and on to elation.

Disruptive Forces

To not use Google is like choosing to use a horse and cart on the information highway.

To not use Wireless is like choosing to use a boat to deliver a trans-continental phone message.

To not use your own devices is like choosing to walk across gravel barefoot while holding your shoes.

We have disruptive forces within our reach and it is exciting to speculate just how far we can go… If we accept that these forces transformative, and use them as such!


I started my run at 11:13pm last night. Jogged for 12 minutes, then did some sprint/walk intervals home. Nothing really special, but critical. Critical because since January 4th, I haven’t had less than 4 workouts in a week and this week I only had 3.

This is all part of my personal health goals that I shared in a video log here.

The same thing happened with my meditations. I haven’t missed a single day. I usually meditate in the morning but there was one night last week that I realized I missed it, and although it was after midnight, I stayed up later to do a meditation.

Why does this matter? Because cheating is a slippery slope… especially when you cheat on yourself.

If you are on a diet that has cheat days, use them, but if you find yourself cheating on other days, well then you are only cheating yourself.

So, last night I started my run at 11:13pm. My streak continues…

It’s time…

tweeted to Bill Ferriter about how time flies, and that we are getting older saying,

Age is 2 things:

1. A state of mind.

2. A state of the body part that aches the most.

I will often say silly things like, “My mind is 31, my body is 51, and my back is 71″… doing a plus/minus of 20 years (which was 10-15 years when I was in my 40’s).

Here’s the point… I’m not getting younger and more than ever, NOW is the best time to start.

I tried over a decade ago, now I’m going to do it – a short daily blog.

It’s time…