Tag Archives: Tetraverse

Playing with geometry (again)

I’ve already shared that I’m playing with geometry a lot with Joe Truss. We met on Zoom today and talked about living in a ‘Tetraverse’, a universe that is built on the structure of a tetrahedron.

Today we spoke about how this Tetraverse would (and does) affect gravity and wheels spinning on axis. Then I went back to my magnetic ball and rod 8-frequency tetrahedron that I built a few weeks back and played some more. It’s late and I’m not going to try to do a synopsis of the intricate patterns I saw. What I do want to say is that it’s fun to play in a space where I am constantly learning both by being taught and by discovery.

It’s amazing what we can learn through play.

Playing with geometry

The image below is a blue cube octahedron with each triangular face forming a tetra-octa-tetra pattern coming out from the center.

This is a tetra-octa-tetra, with two yellow tetrahedrons on opposite sides of an octahedron:

I’m fascinated by these shapes thanks to my uncle, Joseph Truss, who has been playing with these shapes for decades, and who believes the fundamental building blocks of our universe is the tetrahedron. We live in a ‘Tetraverse’.

But the geometry he describes goes far beyond this. He intuitively understands the underlying structure of the universe through geometry in a way that mathematical physicists understand it through math.

Watch this 28 minute movie, Hacking Reality. It gets to some of the topics Joe and I discuss. I really think he’s on to something some of the smartest physicists in the world are still trying to figure out… but he’s done it purely by playing with geometry, and visually/intuitively making sense of how shapes are formed and come together.

Mind blowing conversation

Two of the smartest people I’ve ever met are my uncle and my dad. Last night I sat with my uncle until 4am, and he broke down the origins of the Enneagram… not the personality types attached to it later, the actual origins of the symbol.

Basically, there is a 3-dimensional geometric shape that the enneagram, traditionally shared as a flat, drawn image, is derived from. He basically shared a mind-blowing fact that has essentially been ‘lost knowledge’ since before George Gurdjieff (1866-1949), “a Armenian philosopher, mystic, spiritual teacher, and composer of Armenian and Greek descent, born in Alexandropol, Russian Empire (now Gyumri, Armenia)” (Wikipedia) introduced this symbol to western culture.

Seeing the 3-dimensional origins of the image ‘unlocks’ some sacred geometry that is lost, or rather not available to be seen, in the 2-dimensional enneagram. My uncle has shared this with me before, but I couldn’t conceptually ‘see’ what he saw, and understand the underlying geometry. Last night I made a video of him sharing this lost secret.

The video needs a bit of editing, and I want him to share it on his own YouTube channel, not mine, but look for it to be shared soon. It’s not often you get to see an answer to a question asked and unanswered for over 100 years, but my uncle has ‘discovered’ the 3-dimensional origins of the enneagram!