Tag Archives: fall

Fall colours

A friend commented that this year fall seems to have lasted a lot longer than usual. Specifically, the autumn leaves stayed on the trees much longer, and the colours seem more vibrant.

Here’s a photo he took on a walk in Port Moody yesterday.

And a photo I took on a walk in Nanaimo this afternoon.

One of the only things I really miss about living in Ontario is the fall colours. Late October and early November are a special kind of beautiful in a place where deciduous trees transition from a summer lush of green to a rainbow of yellows, oranges, and reds… all ranging from vibrant and glowing to dull and faded.

Here in BC, the transition usually happens very quickly, and a windstorm or two will shed and blow the colours off of the trees in a rush to welcome winter.

Not this year.

This year we’ve had a full season of fall colours and it has been spectacular.

Fall colours

I just came back from a walk with my daughter. We passed this tree and I had to stop and take a photo:

Growing up in the Caribbean, I have to say that the explosion of fall colours was as captivating as experiencing snow for the first time. We moved to Toronto (North York) and the main highway downtown is the Don Valley Parkway, which follows the Don River lowlands and is surrounded by trees. This time of year the drive is breathtaking.

Seeing this tree brought back memories of seeing fall leaves for the first time and thinking that there was no way these colours were from real trees. It’s amazing that so many vibrant colours can stem from the death of leaves. Fall is here, enjoy the weather, and beautiful scenery, because winter is coming.