A couple days ago our premier made a major announcement about the reopening of the economy in BC. The timing of our March break gave us a huge advantage over other provinces, and the residents of BC have done a very good job of social distancing.

As part of the plan in BC, continuing to practice social distancing is key:

So what does that really look like in schools?
Students used to be put in rows, and worked mostly independently, but that has changed quite a bit in the past few decades. Things like collaboration, group work, and peer support are all part of what a typical class looked like in 2019… What will this look like for the rest of 2020?
How do we integrate the lessons we have learned teaching from a distance, to reduce the physical distance challenges we will now face in classrooms? If we aren’t thinking about this, it will be easier to revert to more individualized learning than it would be to try to foster the same (or similar) collaborative experiences that have made schools more engaging for students in recent years.
How do we provide rich learning experiences in schools, while also adhering to social distancing etiquette and expectations?
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