Tag Archives: Atomic Habits

Atomic Habits Lesson 2 – Two Minute Planning

Creating Lesson 1 was a comedy of errors.

Version 1: I have Descript which adds captions, but I didn’t use it for my upload, despite knowing that I have a hearing impaired student at my school. That wouldn’t do.

Version 2: I added the captions, re-uploaded to YouTube, and only then noticed that the captions spelled James Clear’s last name as Clare. That wouldn’t do.

Version 3: I uploaded the 3rd version and noticed my cover title said ‘Identity based Goals’. The whole video is about Habits, not Goals. That wouldn’t do.

Version 4: Is live and good enough!

I’m going to focus more on just getting these done now, rather than changing minor imperfections. That said, I’m open to feedback.

Atomic Habits Lesson 2 – The Two Minute Rule.

This goes more specifically into Two Minute Planning. I’m not sure if this follows the true intention of James Clear’s two minute rule, but I think it works well for students to ritualize a good habit.


Atomic Habits Lesson 1 of 10

I’ve had this ‘in the works‘ for a very long time. Here is lesson one of ten:

Lesson 1, ‘Identity Based Habits‘, is the first of 10 Lessons based on James Clear’s book ‘Atomic Habits’. It was created by Principal David Truss for Inquiry Hub Secondary Students.

I will share all 10 lessons here over the coming weeks. Atomic Habits is one of the best books I’ve ever read, and I wanted to share what I’ve learned with students at our school. These students get a lot more unstructured time than most high school students, and developing good habits about using that time well is something that can drastically improve a student’s effectiveness and output.

I hope to help guide our students to better productivity.

The habits project

I have a project that I’ve been working on for quite a while now. I’ve been telling myself that I want to finish it, but I haven’t put enough time in (yet). It involves making 10 short (2-3 minute) videos based on James Clear’s Atomic Habits for students in a school where they get a lot of self-directed time. I’ve actually spent a fair bit of time white-boarding and developing the idea.

I have spent a few more hours going through James Clear’s 30 Days to Better Habits lessons, and I’ve worked on creating a script for the 10 lessons I have in mind. I’ve done a lot of work, but now comes the execution. Now I’ve got to actually record and edit/produce the videos.

I’ve used so many strategies I’ve learned in this book to create regular routines around health and wellness, and also to be more productive at work, but for a project like this, I have really not used the strategies. I have blocked off time and worked on it in large chunks, but I haven’t made any routines or habits to get this done… and I probably won’t. Instead, I’m going to block a bunch of time to do the recording all at once, and what I get will just need to be ‘good enough’, and then I’ll block some more time and try to do a marathon of editing.

The big question is, will this be shown to students this year or to start next school year? I won’t know until I start recording and then see how long it takes to edit one of these. But this has been a project in the making for almost 2 years now and I feel like if I don’t share my plan, I won’t get it done for another year. Wish me luck.

Fix the inputs

“We think we need to change the results, but the results are not the problem.When you solve problems at the results level, you only solve them temporarily. In order to improve for good you need to solve problems at the systems level. Fix the inputs and the outputs will fix themselves.

You do not rise to the level of your goals, your fall to the levels of your systems.”

~ James Clear, Atomic Habits

I’m re-listening to Atomic Habits, and this time I’m bookmarking sections and taking notes.

Relating this idea of, “Fix the inputs and the outputs will fix themselves,” to students and schools, I think we often focus on the outputs. A simple example is homework incompletion: A student doesn’t do the homework, what do you do? Make them do the homework they missed.

On the surface this is a good idea. The best consequence for not doing the work is doing the work. But when this issue is chronic, and the teacher is constantly making the same student do the work after the fact, then that teacher is dealing with the output constantly, when the issue is the input. Why isn’t the homework getting done in the first place?

Maybe the student is overloaded with activities or a work schedule that doesn’t allow much time for homework.

Maybe the homework isn’t seen as helpful to the student.

Maybe the student doesn’t see the value in the homework, and thinks it’s not helpful.

Maybe the student prefers to do the homework after it’s due because they know they can sit with the teacher and get help, which they don’t get at home.

Maybe the student lacks the habits that makes homework achievable. Especially when they get unlimited time to play video games at home. Maybe the structure of being forced to do it later is the only structure they have in place to get the work done.

Maybe the teacher is giving that student too much homework and it takes too long to do.

Maybe there is a totally different reason. But here is the thing, if the homework is chronically late, chasing the student to do the work later isn’t solving the problem, it’s just trying to fix a problem with the results that you are getting.

“You do not rise to the level of your goals, your fall to the levels of your systems.”

On a personal note, I’m working on systems at work to stay focused on a single task rather than being distracted by trying to do too many things at once. This is challenging in an environment with constant distractions and a multitude of priorities – both my own and from others. I’ll share more on this later, but for now, the thing that I’m realizing is that it’s the inputs I need to work on. The systems I put in place set me up for good results or leave me chasing results when I don’t have those systems working for me.