Pattern interrupted

Spending a week isolated at home has completely messed up my schedule. Waking up with a headache to start the day sucks. It makes it hard to be and feel productive. This afternoon seems to be the positive turn I was looking for, but I’m not sure how fast I’ll be able to jump back into my regular routine. Writing, meditation, and workouts have usually been done before I’ve even been waking up this past week.

The one good thing to come of this is that I actually miss my routine. It’s not a big effort to do it. It’s something I want to do. And I’m looking forward to getting back to work on Monday too. I guess a pattern interruption every once in a while is good so that you can do a gut check and make sure that what you regularly do is something you actually want to do.

2 thoughts on “Pattern interrupted

  1. heather lynn wilson

    ah dear david, so sorry to hear this…but thank goodness you’re now on the upswing…

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