Gas in my tank

Yesterday evening was the Inquiry Hub Open House.

Here is a snippet from the ‘Cold Open’ that started the event, a song written by one of our students.

I wrote about the rehearsal and shared it here.

My day started with my meditation at 5:30am and getting to work by 7:20. I got home after the event at just before 10pm. I should have been exhausted, but the event was so rejuvenating! I came home and had a late night 2nd dinner, and was asleep just after 11pm. That should be a wipeout kind of day.

It wasn’t.

Watching our students showcase their school and their passion projects was wonderful. The enthusiasm was contagious. The night filled my gas tank. Sometimes we need events like this to pump some fuel into us, and get us off ‘E’. I’m ready to cruise through the craziness of the month ahead.