Fasting test

For a while now, I’ve been practicing time restricted eating, and it has really helped me control the amount of junk food I eat. It has also really helped me control my mood. I used to get ‘hangry‘… angry/upset when I’m hungry. It was so obvious, my secretary would tell me that I need to eat… she’d know if I missed lunch. Time restrictions forced me to find balance that I lacked, and this helped me level my mood.

I have not been doing time restricted eating over the summer and my eating has been out of whack! This has left me feeling low energy and lazy. I’ve been dealing with an upset stomach for quite a while. It had to stop. So yesterday afternoon I decided to try a longer fast, and I only had lemon and chilli powder water last night and today, other than small servings of maple syrup in my drink for dinner and lunch. Fasting with this drink wasn’t hard, and I’m breaking the fast tomorrow morning… but today my mood definitely went to hangry. My wife let me know that she really noticed it came back.

Now I need to cut out the junk and get myself back on track. I think after tomorrow I’ll stop eating breakfast. Or rather, I will break my fast later in the day. That’s what works to balance me during the school year, I’m sure that I can continue to enjoy my summer, and have delicious food, just start later in the day.

I won’t make long fasts like this a regular thing, but it has been a great kickstart to get me back into a healthy routine.