I write this daily-ink on a blog at Daily-Ink.DavidTruss.com but I’m pretty sure that’s not were people go to find it. When a new post gets published, it also goes to:
- My ‘Pairadimes’ Facebook Page
- LinkedIn, and
I then share it to my Facebook Story and page.
These social media sites are where my daily posts get seen… but are they read? If you’ve read this far, can you please let me know where you found this post?
I usually read your posts via RSS in Inoreader. I added this feed to my blog roll which I am then able to subscribe to.
Also on: Read Write Collect
Thanks Aaron,
I should have said ‘Subscribe by RSS or email’ on my form. I thought most came through Twitter or Facebook, but I’m thinking now that my posts on those sites get seen without click-through to my blog to read the whole post. It’s interesting to get feedback. But the best feedback I can ask for is comments, especially ones like yours that include links to continue the conversation and learning!