We need a new word: Memidemic

In July, 2013, when I wrote ‘Positivity Memidemic‘, memes were not what they are today. The growth of the use of this word, meme, has made the idea of a new word, memidemic, even more relevant.

The definition I created in that post was a little off the mark:


Noun ~ A widespread occurrence of a good idea in a community at a particular time: “a passion memidemic”.

Adjective ~ Of, relating to, or of the nature of a memidemic. Synonyms

I think I missed the point in my definition because it is the spreading of positive ideas, images, and videos that needs a new word to describe what’s happening.

The problem of not having a word like this lies in the current words we use to describe these positive events happening: Viral and Epidemic.

Both of these have very negative connotations to them. We don’t want viruses or epidemics to spread, but  we do want positive memes to spread.

When something positive goes memidemic, it is spreading, and we want it to spread. We want to share the joy of it spreading. We want to see it shared, re-shared, and enjoyed. The word ‘viral’ doesn’t suggest that.

So the next time you see something adorable, inspiring, heart-warming, or wholesomely entertaining that is spreading and being shared, tell people that it’s going memidemic!

We want to see good memes about Greta Thunberg spread memidemically!

5 thoughts on “We need a new word: Memidemic

    1. datruss

      I always appreciate the links you share Aaron! I admire your ability to make connections to related ideas and to find the connections to share them. I like the dandelion metaphor, and I totally see how you went there based on the post. What I’m struggling with, and why I want a new word, is that our language doesn’t allow us to talk of this spreading of ‘idea seeds’ in any positive way. Even dandelion spread is considered by most to be the spread of an unwanted weed. Where is the language for positive spreading of ideas. If not ‘memidemic’ then what?

      1. Aaron Davis

        I like your point about the dandelion being seen as a weed. I wonder if this is a part of the reality when it comes to ideas though? I agree that the ideas/moments shared by Greta Thunberg and Jacinda Ardern are positive, but surely not every idea is like this?

        1. datruss

          Exactly Aaron, not all are like this. The negative ones are viral, and spread like weeds. The positive ones need a word like… Memidemic:)
          I’m not thinking we need to replace the word viral, I just think we need a more positively framed description when the message itself doesn’t carry a negative connotation.

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