Watching Ted Lasso

My wife and I were late to get started. All of our friends were watching and telling us how great the series was but the idea of an American Football coach going to England to coach soccer real football seemed pretty silly. But finally our friends talked us into it. Since it was already late into season 2, we were able to binge watch a lot of episodes in a row. And that’s exactly what we did.

My wife and I don’t watch a lot of shows together, mostly because she gets tired of waiting for me to join her in front of the television. I will go through long stints where I really don’t watch much at all. But Ted Lasso hooked me right in. The humour is so well written. The characters are absolutely wonderful, and the show has a way of being endearingly wonderful, and ‘feel good’ without being cliché.

It went from a show I hesitated to begin watching to one that is an all time favourite. You don’t have to be a sports fan, you will find yourself rooting for the characters more than the team. That’s what makes this show so great… it’s filled with characters you want to see succeed, and even when they don’t the show is heartwarming and funny.

This was easily one of my favourite television escapes in a very long time.