Trips to the moon

India just soft landed a spacecraft on the moon. It’s the first craft to successfully land in the South Pole region, where craters that never see sunlight might be hiding frozen water. Reading this article made me realize that, while landing a human on the moon hasn’t been done in decades, the ‘race to the moon’ has been alive and well since then.

I searched for ‘missions to the moon’ and found this massive list on Wikipedia. It was shocking to see how many there have been, and how many of those have been failures. I’m not sure what rock I’ve been living under but I had no idea that so many countries were part of this space race.

I hope this craft finds frozen water. It would be an amazing discovery. And with a human return to the moon planned by NASA in the next few years, I’ll be watching news about moon landings a lot more now. We certainly are living in fascinating times and I’m excited to learn more about our universe beyond the earth’s atmosphere from flights like this and from telescopes like the James Webb telescope. There is still so much we have to learn.