The ocean calls me

I was born near the ocean and when I hear waves, it soothes me. When I see the horizon over a body of water it calms me. When I walk the beach shore, I feel like I’m home.

I love to bodysurf. I feel exhilarated when a wave lifts me into its crest. I love the surge of speed as my body descends the wave. I even enjoy the feeling of the wave consuming me when it can no longer propel me forward.

The ocean calls me. It speaks to me. It tells me that when I’m near, I’m where I’m supposed to be.

2 thoughts on “The ocean calls me

  1. SStewart

    Very nice, David! I visited “your ocean” during a couple of trips to Vancouver 🙂 There is one moment that still sticks with me after many years: I was just sitting up on a rocky area and looking out at the ocean, smelling, breathing, taking it in. I was struck by a feeling that I still can’t really describe, but I have never forgotten that moment for some reason. It has made me wonder if I was meant to live by the ocean though. 😀 I was born on the coast of Hudson Bay, so hmmm. For now, I am happy to be near a big lake. 🙂

    1. David Truss Post author

      I’ve had many of those moments Sheila, and find them equally hard to describe. I saw a painting once that captured that feeling, a boy backing the viewer, staring onto the ocean. I wish I remembered the artist, and that I bought the painting. Lakes hold me too, but not like the ocean. Thanks for sharing!

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