The Curse of Competence

“The Curse of Competence

If you are good at things, and have high standards, you assume that you should always do well. Which means that success isn’t a form of celebration, but it’s the minimum level of reasonable performance. Anything less than victory would be a failure, and victory itself becomes nothing more than acceptable.

Congratulations. You might be very successful, you also might be miserable.”

~ Chris Williamson (@chriswillx)

I came across this quote earlier today and it hit me like a punch in the solar plexus.

I have a weight training goal, I hit it, and moments later the celebration is gone and I’m wondering what my next, more challenging goal will be?

I foster and empower leadership of others at work, I have a bit more time on my hands… never mind that I’m still very busy, what new project am I going to take on?

With every success, a new target. With every achievement, a question of what the next achievement will be? Not for bragging rights, not for glory, not for accolades. Just for shear determination that another success is around the corner. Because standing still is losing ground. Pausing and breathing is for losers… except it’s not.

I’ve been in a challenging head space recently. I read and felt this quote. If nothing else I think I need to stop asking what’s next; to be present; to focus on what is happening here and now, and not what the next challenge is.

Easier said than done.

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