Tag Archives: simplicity

The simple things

I came across this list recently:

The real luxuries in life:



a quiet mind

slow mornings

ability to travel

rest without guilt

a good night’s sleep

calm and “boring” days

meaningful conversations

home-cooked meals

people you love

people who love you back

I’m sure you can think of a thing or two to add to the list. There might also be an item on the list you wouldn’t include. The point isn’t to have an exhaustive or perfectly curated list… the point is to appreciate that life’s real luxuries are affordable, available, and attainable.

Sometimes it’s the simple things in life that make it worth living. Not the expensive meal or holiday. Not the elaborately planned event. Simply going for a walk with a friend, having a coffee with someone whose company you enjoy, or a moment of solitude in nature.

The real luxuries are simple, affordable, and life-enriching.