Sore from workouts

There are different kinds of soreness that your body can experience, and one of those is the soreness that comes after a hard workout. It’s an ache in your muscles that says to you, ‘these muscles were pushed hard’! And, it is felt even more the second day after you worked the muscles than it is felt just one day after.

I’ve been doing a fair bit of archery recently and so I hadn’t been doing a lot of hard workouts, because it’s hard to pull a 50 pound bow and aim it well when your arms are fatigued even before you get started. But this past week I knew I was going to shoot less and so after a couple months of taking it easy with my workouts, I pushed myself. Right now my triceps, my lats, and my quads are workout sore. Yesterday my chest was too, but that has subsided.

While it’s a feeling that lets me know that I’ve done a good job increasing my strength, it can also be a bit much when I’m feeling it in too many places at once. That’s a reminder that I don’t have to go into ‘all or nothing’ mode. That becomes a challenge as I get older. I cruise for a while, working out but not pushing myself too hard, then I go speed boat and full throttle for a bit, before going back to cruise mode. Overall, I’d have to say that I’ve been good at balancing this off, or evening it out, over the past few years. I think this is a lapse rather than a pattern.

So this morning I’ll focus on stretching, and moving my muscles with lighter weights to help the lactic acid move out of my sore muscles. And I’ll remember that while a little muscle soreness can be good, there really can be too much of a good thing.