Social gatherings

I went to a friend’s 50th birthday last night. It was a small gathering for dinner, with a delicious meal and some wonderful wine pairings. My daughter volunteered to be our designated driver and so my wife and I let loose a bit more than we usually do. Not so much that I’m paying for it today, but definitely more than has been typical the last couple years.

It made me realize a couple things. First, I prefer one-on-one conversations a lot more than groups. I’m introverted, and knew this about myself already, but even in a small group the noise level made it hard for me to hear well, and tracking a group conversation feels like work. Second, my wife and I don’t make enough effort to socialize. We really should plan more (small) gatherings with people we care about.

It’s one of those things where it feels like a lot of work up front, but the results are a rewarding experience that is worth the effort. It’s easy to get caught up in your own world and forget that there are awesome people out there that make rich company. Friendships don’t build without creating experiences to have with those friends.