Sad irony

There is a truck convoy in Ottawa and thousands of people are protesting vaccine and mask mandates. I’ll be generous and say there are 10,000 people there protesting. That’s 0.026% of the population not 2.6%, not .26%, 0.026%. Double that if you consider people who wanted to join them, you are still just over 0.05% of the population.

This small but loud group has a right to peacefully protest, they don’t deserve so much attention. I have been bypassing the news about them in my feed, but I did see one thing that was really pathetic. One of the things some protesters did was to put signs on a Terry Fox statue. Terry Fox, a Canadian hero who:

A) Was immunocompromised and might have been an example of the kind of person who we are trying to protect with these restrictions, because he might have had a vaccine exemption.

B) Raised millions of dollars for medical research.

Wow. Talk about missing the point.

I hope the small unvaccinated population in Ottawa end their peaceful protest without harming anyone or damaging any property, and they don’t end up taking too much more of our attention.

And while I’m at it, thank you to everyone who understands that these (temporary) mandates and restrictions are to help protect our community, and for doing your part. You have my appreciation, and my attention.

3 thoughts on “Sad irony

  1. gibsonsgolfer

    Well said, David. Unfortunately I got caught up in some local online discussion about this “event”over the past couple of days and was met with a number of comments calling me names and suggesting my understanding of science was not the same as theirs. I am proud of those who continue to attempt to convince the unvaccinated of the solid reasons to do so … for themselves and for their friends and families. Yes, it was a small number of the protesters who have made the news with their use of symbols of hate and who abused the statue of Terry Fox, but still as much a minority as they may have been, they put a black mark on Canada this weekend.

    1. David Truss

      Indeed they have. The most disappointing part is that this has become a venue for hate messages, and ‘ordinary’ people are compliant with this. The company you keep matters.

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