Please help me with my “Parenting in the digital age” presentation!

This is a humble request for help!

In early June of last year I created this presentation and wiki (details below). The sessions went well and now I’ve been asked to present again. This time the audience is Chinese parents and I have a translator. My slide show is heavily text based because I tried to make it work as a ‘stand-alone’ presentation to support the wiki without me presenting,
(I even added presentation notes to the slideshare if you view it on their site).

…As a result, I am feeling like I almost have to start over before getting this translated.
…Furthermore, I feel like there are definite Western biases to the things I say.
…And finally, there are things that I wanted to add to improve this anyway such as:
• More multi-cultural examples
• Links to creative work done by students (outside of school)
• Include a video of a kid while he is in the role of a World of Warcraft guild master
• More advice and strategies for dealing with kids that are addicted to (or at least highly consumed by) video games – (What strategies work to deal with this?)
Any suggestions or examples would be greatly appreciated!

Be honest, be critical, be brutal if you need to be… just please offer suggestions to help me strip this down to the essentials before I get it translated.
(I’m presenting next week Tuesday:-)
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For this presentation I created a wiki:

These were the learning intentions:
  • Examine children’s use of technology
  • Increase awareness of the potential challenges around technology use
  • Learn practical, proactive parenting strategies to maintain connections with children using the media they are using.
  • Learn how to guide children in appropriate and safe interactions on the Internet.
  • Find support and resources to better understand these issues

A key part of the presentation is the handout called ‘Engaging with kids‘.  It is made up of a series of questions based on the presentation, but not necessarily in the presentation. The point is asking questions and finding the right balance or ‘fit’ for each family rather than offering any kind of prescribed answers.

Thanks in advance for your feedback and help!

3 thoughts on “Please help me with my “Parenting in the digital age” presentation!

  1. Sonya Woloshen

    Dave,I know you don’t have much time before your presentation so I’m just thinking out loud here. I love your presentation…as always. I thought you could include some provoking videos to introduce certain topics. It may be helpful for the audience to have more visuals, although you do include a number of visuals to go along with the text. For example, since you will be discussing video games etc. you could show that video on Youtube (I believe it’s called “Ultimate Freak Out”). You may have seen it…I believe it’s about a boy who has a break down when his parents take away his video game system or refuse to let him play World of Warcraft. I will warn you it has some swearing in it, but that could be bleeped out or there may be another version with that bleeped out already. The clip is quite short, yet very effective. In showing an ‘extreme’ case such as this, you help your audience visualize the dangers of getting addicted to gaming and then you could proceed with how parents can monitor safe gaming and how to avoid getting addicted.

  2. David Truss

    Thanks Lyn, I took a quick look and the link you provided definitely warrants a deeper exploration. I realize that I know very little about gaming and gaming issues and need to be humble when giving advice in that area!

  3. Lyn Hilt

    Hi, David,Wow, this is very comprehensive! I think you make some great parallels between the lives of parents in their childhood and what our children experience today. I recently attended a student assistance team training session and along with the dangers of alcohol and drug addictions we discussed “gaming” addictions. We were given to access for resources on this topic. There are screening tools and checklists of symptoms, treatment options, etc. Hope there’s something helpful there you can use! Great work educating parents! 🙂

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