Moving from autopilot to copilot

Three minutes into this video Satya Nadella, the CEO of Microsoft, is asked, “Why do you think the moment for AI (Artificial Intelligence) is now?”

After mentioning that AI is already mainstream, and used in search, news aggregation and social media recommendations (like the next videos on Facebook & TikTok, etc), he states,

Today’s generation of AI is all autopilot. In fact, it is a black box that is dictating in fact how our attention is focused. Whereas going forward, the thing that’s most exciting about this generation of AI is perhaps we move from autopilot to copilot, where we actually prompt it.”

This is a fascinating point. When you order something on Amazon, their next purchase recommendation is automated by AI, so is your next video on Instagram Reels, YouTube, and TikTok. We don’t fully understand the decision-making behind this ‘intelligence’, except when it goes wrong. Even then it’s a bit of a black box of calculations that aren’t always clear or understood. In essence, we are already heavily influenced by AI. The difference with LLM’s – Large Language Models – like Chat GPT is that we prompt it. We get to copilot. We get to create with it, and have it co-create art, email messages, books, computer code, to do lists, schoolwork/homework, and even plan our vacations.

I really like the metaphor of moving from autopilot to copilot. It is empowering and creates a future of opportunities. AI isn’t new, but what we can do with it now is quite new… and exciting!


The full video Microsoft & OpenAI CEOs: Dawn of the AI Wars | The Circuit with Emily Chang is worth watching: