Final countdown

Just two more sleeps and the new school year begins. Some people get away for the last weekend, my wife and I almost never go away on this long weekend. We find it busy and our minds are too preoccupied with school. I’ll probably go in on Monday for a couple hours and make sure I’m ready.

Every new school year begins with so much promise, and this year feels especially filled with potential. I know we aren’t completely out of the covid cloud, but most of the restrictions we faced were to ensure there were not too many hospitalizations that we’d overburden our hospitals, and with covid cases being much milder, I think this year will be much more normal.

I never thought I’d be thankful for ‘normal’ but here we are. This year doesn’t need to be special to be good, it just needs to feel less restrictive, less focused on what we can’t do, and more focussed on what we’ve done well in the past. Rebuilding is not as hard as paving the way. The infrastructure is there, we know how to do it, we just need to execute well. But even that can be a little nerve racking looking at the whole year ahead.

Two more sleeps until the new year begins. I’m a little nervous, and quite exited about what lies ahead.