Fall colours

A friend commented that this year fall seems to have lasted a lot longer than usual. Specifically, the autumn leaves stayed on the trees much longer, and the colours seem more vibrant.

Here’s a photo he took on a walk in Port Moody yesterday.

And a photo I took on a walk in Nanaimo this afternoon.

One of the only things I really miss about living in Ontario is the fall colours. Late October and early November are a special kind of beautiful in a place where deciduous trees transition from a summer lush of green to a rainbow of yellows, oranges, and reds… all ranging from vibrant and glowing to dull and faded.

Here in BC, the transition usually happens very quickly, and a windstorm or two will shed and blow the colours off of the trees in a rush to welcome winter.

Not this year.

This year we’ve had a full season of fall colours and it has been spectacular.