Epic Tales

I’m watching Foundation on Apple TV. It’s loosely based on Isaac Asimov’s novel series by the same name. It’s about an empire roughly 25,000 years in the future. It has all the components of an epic tale, with power and greed, betrayal, uprising, rebels, assassins, and unlikely heroes.

I am in awe of writers who can come up with tales in imagined worlds like this, The Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, Game of Thrones, and other epics that involve intricate world building and cultures or alien life forms. I love when storylines weave together, and when tangential incidents become entire storylines.

The art of telling a grand story that spans generations is one that I truly admire. To be able to build entire worlds, like Philip Pullman did in His Dark Materials series, leaves me in awe. That such worlds can be created in one’s mind… it’s just absolutely incredible.

If you watched Back to the Future as a kid like me, you probably thought we’d have hoverboards instead of skateboards by now. If you also watched the Jetsons, you’d probably have expected robot maids and flying cars. We haven’t progressed as fast as our imaginations, but that’s to be expected.

We have an incredible ability to imagine far more than we are capable of. And as I write this, somewhere in the world a child is being born. He or she won’t be the saviour of the human race, they won’t be a hero that stops the destruction of the universe, but they just might be the next author to capture the imaginations of us all in an epic tale that we couldn’t imagine right now.

Who is an author who has created an epic tale that kept you enthralled?

2 thoughts on “Epic Tales

  1. Bill Kingsland

    Bill Bryson. I read “A Short HIstory of Nearly Everything” and then went on to read most of his other books. So good!


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