Eight days a week

I can’t believe it’s Thursday morning. It feels like I’ve already worked a full week. I know it’s because I’m getting over a cold and I’m not 100%, and I’m just exhausted. This will sometimes happen when I’m super busy and I come home from work and I just keep working. Yet that’s not what I’ve been doing these last three days. I’ve been coming home and just flaking out.

I’m glad tomorrow is a Professional Development Day, and I’m excited about my plans… because I know I can get through today, but I don’t know if I could run on all cylinders tomorrow like I need to today, with 3 meetings that need my full attention and participation. If I had to continue my pattern and pace of today and the last 3 days again tomorrow, I think I’d crash.

So, head down, chin up, and muscle through the day today, and hopefully remain positive about my plans tomorrow. Tonight I’m turning work off and maybe the TV on. I’ll have some nice homemade soup my wife made for dinner, and have an early bed time. Because this has been a loooong week and it isn’t nearly over yet. Some weeks feel a lot longer than others and this one was, and is, a doozy.