Battery life

I just got the notification at work that I can update my phone. This comes just in time because my battery has been draining faster and faster, to the point where it didn’t even last until 2pm yesterday before needing to be charged. I seem to be very good at killing batteries. I know I tend to be a heavy user, but yesterday I didn’t use my phone a lot more than any other day, and in fact probably less. I don’t know why, but battery power loss has been a problem with every phone I’ve owned.

I think it’s not just my phone, I think it’s me. My mom has had difficulty wearing battery powered watches for years, they would just stop working after a few days of wearing them. I think I inherited this effect from her. I think there is something about the natural charge of my body’s working that is hard on batteries. Of course it could just be my heavy use or pattern of use that causes batteries to have shorter lives, but I really think there is something about me as well.

I’m somehow the problem. This isn’t a helpful belief, and quite frankly I’d like to be proven wrong… but my phone’s battery health is only down to 86% and yet it’s barely lasting past half a day.

The good news is that an update is coming. That said, this was already a replacement phone since the last update. Why did I need a replacement phone? The battery kept dying. It’s not the phone, it’s me.