Angry Twitter, angry news

From news articles, to Facebook posts, to Twitter, to Imgur & Tik Tok, I cant seem to go anywhere online without finding anger and hate magnified on my screen.

It’s bitter, undermines my mood, and makes the world seem cold and uncaring. For every uplifting and inspiring post that’s shared, there are five to a dozen angry ones.

I’m sure this is having an impact on people in ways that are unhealthy, not just to ourselves, but to our society in general.

Are there reasons to be upset? Yes!

• Yesterday was the single worst day of ‘Daily New Cases’ for Covid-19

• Civil unrest to fight injustices has lead to unjust confrontations between police forces and peaceful protesters.

• Videos of looters and blatant prejudice are meme-ified and virally spread.

That’s the backdrop to what we watch and read about online. It’s impossible not to see this without tuning out completely… and so other than my Daily Ink tomorrow, you won’t see me online this weekend.

I need a break from all this. My guess is, you probably do too!