If I’m not learning…

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I’ve had a connection on LinkedIn invite me into some conversations that he hosts. So far I’ve declined. In writing this. I was planning on sharing my full correspondence, but really it’s the last sentence I wrote that inspired sharing. Here it is:

If I’m not learning something new, I’ve got more important things to do!

The full, 2-sentence paragraph was:

“Sounds selfish, but I’m too old and too far into my career to waste my time:) If I’m not learning something new, I’ve got more important things to do!”

I don’t want the sales pitch, I want to see excellence and learn from people doing good work. I don’t want the conference session that’s about inspiration, I want to learn about the perspiration and the hard work that got results. I don’t just want the showcase of results, I want to understand the messy failures that helped get you there.

If I’m not learning something new, I’ve got more important things to do!

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