Wisdom in quotes

I like clever quotes that make you think. I saw one yesterday that has stuck with me today:

You can’t change the people around you, but you can change the people around you. ~ Unknown

Now this isn’t 100% true. You can’t change your family, and you might be limited in influence over co-workers. However I think we all spend too much time trying to change someone rather than changing who that someone is.

On that note, I feel pretty lucky to have the friends and family I have, and so I’m not looking to change people around me (one way or another). But that doesn’t take away from my appreciation of the quote.

Here is another brilliant quote:

Disappointment is the gap that exists between expectation and reality. ~ John C. Maxwell

There is nothing wrong with high standards or expectations. But sometimes we need to just let go of our expectations and appreciate what we’ve got. How often are we disappointed by something not because what we got was bad, but simply not what we were expecting?

Simple quotes with powerful truths.

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