Voting is a civic duty

We live in a democratic society. We are given the privilege of being part of the system of rule in our country. We ought to be obligated to fulfill our civic duty.

What should the penalty be for not voting? I believe that people who do not vote should be taxed a min. of $150, or 0.5% of your taxable income, which ever is greater. Proceeds go to supporting the delivery of our next election.

There are many excuses not to vote:

“My vote doesn’t matter.”

“It won’t make a difference.”

“All politicians are corrupt.”

“The person I want to vote for is going to lose anyway.”

“Who cares, nothing changes anyway.”

“I can’t be bothered.”

None of these excuses are better than living in a country where you don’t have the opportunity or choice. None of them make you a better citizen, a more valued member of your community. They are excuses that come from apathetic people.

Do your civic duty and vote!

Here is a website created to help you compare policies and put your vote behind the party and people that most align with your own views:

2 thoughts on “Voting is a civic duty

  1. Pingback: Vote. It matters! | Daily-Ink by David Truss

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