Vertical panaramas

I like taking panarama shots. I love the look of them (although the rest of my family does not). I think they give a good feel for what the visual experience was like beyond the view from a camera lens.

But I also like taking vertical panaramas. And while like the horizontal ones, they can distort the view, like in this square courtyard:

And they aren’t always needed like in this case (first image is an unneeded vertical panarama):

Here it is again without using the panarama:

… But sometimes I really get a kick out of them. Here are a few to enjoy:

La Sagrada Família, Barcelona

Monserrat, Spain

Royal Palace, Madrid

And just an hour ago I took this one from a ferris wheel in Bordeaux, France

I’ve never printed them, and so it’s not like I do anything special with them. Also they can be hard to find on my camera roll because when you take them vertically they don’t always show up in the phone’s panarama folder. But I really like them. I enjoy taking them, and sharing them… even if my family doesn’t enjoy them as much as me.

A final shot, Wells Cathedral in England, taken back in the summer of 2018:

2 thoughts on “Vertical panaramas

  1. Bill Kingsland

    I wouldn’t have thought of a vertical panorama. So creative! Thanks for sharing. Remarkable what can be done with a “phone”.

    1. David Truss

      I wish my “phone” was better at making phone calls… seems to me they do so much, but yet somehow I’m always dropping calls.

      Have fun playing with vertical panaramas… I apologize in advance to your family for when you start over-sharing them. 😜

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