Travelling when young

One of my daughters leaves for a trip to Central America today. My other daughter heads to Europe in a few months. I’ve lived a life so far with few regrets. Sure I’ve made mistakes, and I can think of things I wish I did with better outcomes, but when I reflect on my life I tend not to dwell on regrets and missed opportunities. But if I were to change one thing in my life, I would have travelled more when I was younger.

We have a lifetime to work and be productive, but at my age now I’m not going to spend time in hostels, or go backpacking across a country. My holidays will be, and have been, different than someone travelling in their 20’s. A friend of mine’s son recently rode a bicycle across the African continent. That’s not going to be something I plan to do at my age… but what an absolutely amazing experience he had!

My advice to young people is to see the world. Go to places unlike where you live. Embrace the culture of the places you visit. Go on adventures you are less likely to go in when you are older. You are only young once and the world awaits you.

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