The value of writing every day is simple… I actually write every day. Skip today, well then skipping tomorrow is that much easier. Skip a couple days and suddenly a week is easy to miss… and then soon enough I’m not writing regularly. And then the love of writing and the act of writing get a divorce. Soon enough phrases like, ‘I used to write regularly’ become part of future conversations.
So I keep writing. But it isn’t easy. Even if I’m the only one reading this, I’m still a critic. ‘Am I being thoughtful or am I whining?’… ‘Poor Dave, writing is hard, isn’t it?’ Quite frankly, sometimes it is.
Sometimes life can be boring. Sometimes the things I want to write about can’t be shared publicly. Sometimes the creative juices just don’t flow. And sometimes I have to fight the urge to quit. I question how else I can push myself to write every day? I question if I should put this blog on hold until I retire?
The urge to stop is winning right now, but I know I have to fight it.
“Resistance cannot be seen, touched, heard, or smelled. But it can be felt. We experience it as an energy field radiating from a work-in-potential. It’s a repelling force. It’s negative. Its aim is to shove us away, distract us, prevent us from doing our work.”
~Steven Pressfield, Do the Work
I’m resisting the resistance. I’m doing the work.
Shared on Facebook by Al Lauzon:
Dave you are a writer and as the Billy Crystal character in the movie “Don’t Throw Mama from the Train” said, “A writer writes.” The continuity of writing is what is important even if what you write is crap. For me, writing helps me to see more clearly and I have always written to understand the world and life, and if others find value in what I have written, then that is a bonus. Somedays a writer writes crap (at least I do), and other days it seems the gods are with the writer, guiding the pen to reveal insight and the mysteries of being. For me, should I stop writing then the mystery of the world becomes shrouded in darkness and I know longer see clearly. I guess I write so I might see and hear. Keep WRITING!
And my response:
Al Lauzon Thanks for sharing. I wrote a post a while back that included this:
On days like this I think of Seth Godin, who has written over 7,000 posts in his daily blog. Something that he wrote sticks with me… no matter how much you write, 50% of your work will be the worst 50%. You can’t escape this fact. So don’t worry about what you write, just write… and so today I’ll accept this post as the bottom half, but I am metaphorically putting pen to paper and I’ll hit ‘Publish’ soon. And maybe tomorrow I’ll put something in the top 50%… or at least the top 50% for now… because after another few thousand posts, who knows where it will rank?
A hard day, but I wrote something, and I’ll write again tomorrow. I appreciate the motivational push! 🙏