The ugly lawn

Our house sits between the houses of two retired people that seem like they live to take care of their lawns. I, on the other hand, don’t care that much. So, I’m that guy with the ugly lawn.

I’ve never understood the pride people get in the perfect green lawn? The pesticides, the meticulous grooming and weeding, the moss-killing, and the desire to keep it at some imaginary ‘perfect’ height. And the watering… so much water poured onto our tiny green spaces. I water the garden, but the grass? Why? I’ve read that lawns consume between 30% and 60% of urban water use, depending on where in North America you live. I’m not sure how that compares globally?

That’s insane.

So with apologies to my neighbours, and a special thanks to the one that will cut my lawn for me when I’m busy, I’m sorry that you are stuck with my ugly lawn next to yours… But I’m not actually sorry about my ugly lawn.