
This quote seems very Zen Buddhist to me and I think the image goes well with it. I don’t think this is about blending work and play, I think it’s about finding joy in everything you do, and if your work is also a joy, then it isn’t something you clock in and out of. I’m interested in what others think of this quote?

Photo, ‘Behind Buddha’, taken at the Famen Temple near Xi’an, China.

One thought on “The MASTER of LIVING

  1. amaliacarmel

    Yay verily, brother! I just had this epiphany the other night. I have been asking myself my whole life “What can I do to be most of service to the world?” It struck me that I should be asking myself, “What means most to me?” If I am not doing what gives me the most joy, than I cannot serve to the fullest extent of my capacity. I have been given dreams, a voice, something to say with that voice. If I am always trying to speak on behalf of others, my service is not at the center of my being. From that center, I can serve with pure joy. I hope this makes sense. I don’t mean to live in a self-centered way. I mean to be true to the innermost Self, that one that says, “Turn thy sight unto thyself that thou mayest find Me standing within thee, mighty, powerful and self-subsisting.” Know what I mean?

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