Tag Archives: self-care

The best time is now quote

Just Do It!

It’s really easy to say the words, ‘just do it’. But I bet that sometimes you feel more like this…

…than you feel inspired to get things done. Meanwhile, getting things done can be a powerful motivator, a self-rewarding accomplishment, that helps you get more things done. On this first day of the new year resolutions are made as people aspire to make positive changes for the new year. Some will stick, others won’t. Here is a great video to help you think about making good resolutions:

It’s 3am as I write this on New Year’s Day, having done my parental duties driving kids home, and I’m still thinking about my sticker goals for this year. I’m cautious not to make my new goals overly ambitious, while also wanting to up the ante on my 2019 goals that are now routine. For example, I might still give myself a blue sticker on my calendar for every day that I do my 10 min. guided meditation, and maybe a second sticker if I do 10 more minutes unguided.

But that’s enough about me. What about you? What is a goal that you have related to your family, your fitness, your friendship, or your work, that you want to achieve?

The 5 Key Tips that I shared might help you… but ultimately it is up to you. ‘Just Do It’ is an awesome slogan, what can you do to make it work not just for Nike, but for you as well?

The best time to start something new is now!