Spicing up a recipe

I shared this tweet before, but the post was more about life than cooking:

I’m not a big fan of cooking, but I have certain recipes that I do quite well. One of them is a stir fry. Last night’s was really good! I’m not just saying that because I enjoyed it, both my wife and daughter complimented it, and my daughter said, “I have to slow down so I can enjoy this longer.”

I didn’t use a recipe as my baseline. I didn’t measure anything. I just added things that I thought should go together. I cooked the peppers, red onion, carrots, and beans longer than the broccoli, which I cooked longer than the green onions and cilantro. I added way more sesame oil than any recipe I’ve ever followed, and way less soy. And I added a whole lot of garlic powder. This no-recipe-as-a-base approach doesn’t always work, but my stir fry always does.

One of my favourite things to do is to start with a recipe then go on a tangent. This is a lot less risky than flying by the seat of my pants, and it makes cooking fun for me. A couple days ago we made tacos, and when I went to the fridge for salsa I saw sweet chili pepper sauce and decided to try it instead… Absolutely delicious!

I don’t like easy puzzles, and to me a recipe is an easy puzzle… I like to spice things up a bit, and I’m usually glad I did.

3 thoughts on “Spicing up a recipe

  1. SStewart

    I might be a “rule follower” but not when it comes to recipes! 🙂 I often pull up 2 or 3 recipes of the same dish and create my own or mix and match ingredients. Such a rebel haha. My husband often says, “Is this the recipe for this, but you make it completely different?”
    Cheers to spicing things up!

    1. David Truss

      Not surprised at all that you would put your own creative ‘flavour’ on recipes Sheila! The word ‘fusion’ comes to mind… keep on rebelling on! 🙂

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