Snoring issue

Tonight I’m trying a mouth guard to help prevent me from snoring. I used to only snore on my back, and so to stop snoring I simply rolled onto my side. This was not a big issue since I normally sleep on my side. But that all changed in this last year. Now even on my side I snore.

I’ve gone to the doctor to look at my deviated septum, caused from breaking my nose more than once. However two different specialists told me that while cosmetically I would see an improvement from surgery, surgery would not fix my snoring problem. Snoring is often related to weight, but that’s not my issue either. And moderate sleep apnoea has suggested that a CPAP therapy might work, but I want to try a mouth guard before having to hook myself up to a machine every night for the rest of my life.

But if this doesn’t work a CPAP machine is next on my list. It’s either that or separate bedrooms from my poor wife who is a light sleeper and is constantly being woken by my annoying snoring… and I don’t like this as an option. So wish me luck with the mouth guard. I hope it adjusts the structure of my mouth during sleep enough that snoring is no longer a constant concern for me or my wife.

4 thoughts on “Snoring issue

  1. Teachers On Fire

    Ugh, I’m at a very similar place, and the consistent snoring is only about a year old. My wife literally texted me her distress last night when she was woken up by my snoring at 3:20 a.m. I have an appointment with a sleep clinic in October … hoping they can help. Thanks for sharing.

    1. David Truss

      I am still getting used to the mouthguard. I took it off at 4am this morning and 35 minutes later my wife was waking me up to stop snoring. So it seems like I have a remedy, (although it has only been a couple nights)… I just need to get used to it. I think I also need to re-mold it so that it fits my mouth better.

  2. Bill Kingsland

    Best of luck with the mouth guard. CPAP’s not so bad. I’ve been using one for three years and it’s been life changing. The first night I used it I slept 5 hours straight (hadn’t done that in years) and stopped snoring. Great stuff! 🙂

    1. David Truss

      Didn’t sleep well, so can’t determine how helpful this was. I’ll keep trying over the next week and see how things go. CPAP might be what I end up with, just not my preferred option.


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