Not all cylinders firing

It has been well over a week since I was hit with this cough and it is still wiping me out. I went home at lunch yesterday and slept for over an hour before I could do anything remotely productive. This morning my cough isn’t sounding a whole lot better. I’m reminded of the chronic fatigue that hit me a few years ago.

I wrote We are One recently, about the interconnectedness of our minds and bodies. It only takes an experience like this to understand how our brains are affected by the wellness of our bodies. It’s not just that I’m coughing, it’s that my whole body is working to get better.

I’ve heard a number of people tell me they’ve had similar coughs and it took two weeks before they started to recover. I’ll keep going to bed early, drink a lot of fluids, and keep the Tylenol flu medicine flowing to prevent a sinus infection that I tend to be prone to… and hopefully my body (and mind) will be running on all cylinders soon.

2 thoughts on “Not all cylinders firing

  1. gibsonsgolfer

    My wife is on day 7 of her nasty cough and I seem to be starting today. She is also experiencing sinus issues and has lost her voice.

    A few months ago I had it last for about three weeks and it made sleeping tough, but no real body pain so just the nagging cough.

    Hope you get better soon.

    1. David Truss

      Already feeling better. I’m amazed how many people are affected so differently by these bugs. Hope you escape a little easier than your wife and I.

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