Nerdy Dialogue

It’s March break, and for me the start of any break means it’s time to enjoy a good fiction book. Scanning my options last week, I saw that a science fiction series I really enjoyed had the next book out. So I added it to Audible and started listening on Friday. I’m not going to mention the series beyond saying it’s a science fiction, because I do enjoy it, but my critique below is far from flattering.

The author is a total nerd. How do I know this? Every reference to earth is related to things only a nerd would think worth referencing, and the dialogue is extra nerdy. Meanwhile the science of the scifence fiction seems to follow a level of theory that is intelligent and beyond my scope to critique… And while I’ve enjoyed the plot line of every book, including this one so far, the dialogue is very painful, and getting annoying.

The banter is always the same, no matter which characters are talking, and while the women are all intelligent, they all eye roll to the same style of corny jokes and all have similar responses to male dialogue. I bet if I met the author, I could typecast both him and his wife.

Robertson Davies was a novelist who seemed to be able to put himself into characters and ‘be’ someone completely different. I remember reading Fifth Business, and when the protagonist lost a leg I actually looked up the author to see if he had lost a leg too, because I couldn’t imagine that this experience wasn’t at least partially autobiographical.

On the other hand, I’ve read another series by this nerdy author and the humour and banter between characters does not diverge. Not one bit.

I know dialogue is hard. I’m not sure i would be emotionally intuitive enough to live the perspective of fictional characters well enough to create good dialogue beyond my own experience. Still, that doesn’t take away from my critique, and this author only has the ability to write dialogue from a single, very predictable perspective. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed his books, but I think this is going to be the last one that I’ll read, and it’s because of the very nerdy, and very predictable, banter and dialogue between characters.

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