Lost Community

I loved Twitter so much that I wrote a short ebook on how to get started on it. It started as a blog post and then it took me about a year and a half to slowly make it into an e-book, Twitter EDU. So, it’s an understatement to say that I really loved this social media tool.

But I don’t make money off of the book or Twitter, and I’m not selling anything. So I decided not to pay $8 a month to get a little blue check next to my name. And now that’s all I see when I go to Twitter or rather X now… little blue check marks being pushed my way. Not my community that I built over 17 years, not tweets from people I know. Just threads of popular tweets and tweets from blue check marks with big followings.

Now I mostly just transmit my blog posts there and spend very little time on the site. I used to also go to Twitter for news. I would go to the search page to see popular hashtags and then follow along with some news items. But even that seems to be watered down or rather flooded with highly promoted tweets, rather than being more organic.

I’m not sure I’m going to stick around much longer. That doesn’t mean that I’m going to delete my account. But I question if I need to share my daily posts there? Do I need to try and engage in a tool that just buries my engagement? Do I need to spend time in an app where the engagement I get is spoon fed to me rather than based on an algorithm that caters to my interests?

It was a fun ride. I had a blast on Twitter, I’m just not sure I need to engage in a tool out of nostalgia… a tool that doesn’t seem to care what I’m interested in, when other tools do that so much better.

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