Live music

Last night I went to listen to Michaela Slinger sing live. Putting aside that I’m too old to go out on a school night, it was a fabulous show! Some musicians sound great on their album but not as well on stage, and some like Michaela can do both exceptionally well.

My favourite song is Petty Things, which is actually a sad song about a couple drifting slowly out of love, rather than the relationship ending “with a crash and a bang”. Listening to it live, it’s just Michaela and her guitar and some wonderful audience participation. I think this song would work well in a venue with 20 people or a venue with over 20,000. It’s a song made to be listened to live.

I’m someone who has very eclectic taste in music. My first concert was the heavy rock band Deep Purple in a large auditorium. My next concert was the bluesy Buddy Guy in a tiny downtown Toronto venue. This coming September I’m going to hear the electronic new-age band Tangerine Dream, who originally started in the late 60’s. The only thing these performers have in common is that they play music. And although I am not an avid concert goer, I have to say that I really love listening to good live music… I just think I’ll have to stick to weekends, and leave the midweek nights out to folks a little younger than me.