Knowhere News

After a summer of on-and-off attention to the news of our world, and our world-influencing neighbour to the south, I’m back to limiting the fire hose of information flowing my way.

My sister put me on to a weekday news email that gives me all I really need to read, beyond what might be trending on Twitter. The email subscription is to Knowhere News. It’s American focused and self-described as: “We report facts, not opinions, in our free, daily digest and share our sources so you can see for yourself.

I’ve found few other sources that share news with less bias… that said, while the articles themselves are indeed fact focussed and shared without biased language… I’m still determining the slant with respect to which articles they choose to share.

Still, I really appreciate the links to the sources of their articles. And, in a world where information all seems comes to be from a bipolar dichotomy, it’s nice to get news that doesn’t feel like it’s coming from a sports colour commentator routing for the home team.

Related: Ideas in a Spectrum